...The replacement of the P38 headlining is all booked for the coming Friday. :)
A nice overnight 4-Star hotel stay with wifey and a good dinner on the Thursday.
Drive home on the Friday and try to avoid the rush-hour Friday PM.

I plan to then have a full Valet (inside & out) of the old P38 bus and get a Dash-Cam installed.
Yer right. Download speed has gone boobs up at the mo. :mad:
I've decided a change of job would be good so started applying for some. Of course they want to see my license and I couldn't find my paper counterpart bit anywhere. Sneaking suspiscion I never got it back from my current employer. So I went to NI.gov and ordered a duplicate. Two days later it was through my letterbox. I'm stunned.
Ok a strange think happened with my landy, a few months ago when I went to move it the clutch peddle went to the floor
so had to pump the peddle for a min or so to get clutch pressure, done this a few times over that week to move it about.
Fitted the pump today then I remembered about the peddle o'blast :rolleyes: jumped n well climbed in🤣 the clutch was all good :confused:
drove it round the block still smoky, then I seen a drips of oil from the gearbox once id came back oh balls.
Its probably the new seal between the box n tranny. :mad:
Shouldn't keep transgendered people in an engine....
No living relatives at all! Friends are scattered over the country - one of the problems of a professional life but I'm thinking about it. :)
I'll happily be your adopted niece!
Eye looked at pixels as eye was told the camera's was good. Samsung A series were arf the price and just as good. Went ferra A52.Yer dun't get so much stuff to mess wiv pic's after taking thems. Burreye din't need that.
I have the a53 it's fab
Been discussing entering a crazy soap box race
Anyone ever done it ?
No I don't like chilling in a&e

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