We only use hotels two days a year. And we hide the fact that we have dogs. If you want to book a holiday home as we do over Christmas having 3 dogs can really limit you.
But I have to agree that unless you use your campervan a lot they are freaking expensive.
Having now become a 'single' person living in a world where this state is not socially catered for then the word 'expensive' takes on a whole new meaning.

A single person of maturing years has two choices really, either you hoard what money you have got and live the life of a comfortably off hermit or you use the money you have saved up over your working life to try to continue enjoying the lifestyle you have now been socially excluded from.

Over the years I have spent/wasted thousands of £'s on hobbies (Land rovers being one of them!) and never considered this as 'expensive' - I was doing what I wanted to do to make us happy and to enjoy our life together. Although life as I knew it is now very different why should I not do everything to enjoy what is remaining of my life?

'Expensive' is only a term for expressing an attitude to ones priorities imo. :)
Heavy duty 3-point non rocking cover. Same principle as a 3 legged stool, don't rock like a 4 legged stool with one slightly short leg.
Ah, but if held at the right( or wrong) angle, can it drop through the hole?
Like a circular one can't!
(As in fact it is a hexagon with 3 longer sides, but no matter. Maybe it is too thick to do that.)
Ok a strange think happened with my landy, a few months ago when I went to move it the clutch peddle went to the floor
so had to pump the peddle for a min or so to get clutch pressure, done this a few times over that week to move it about.
Fitted the pump today then I remembered about the peddle o'blast :rolleyes: jumped n well climbed in🤣 the clutch was all good :confused:
drove it round the block still smoky, then I seen a drips of oil from the gearbox once id came back oh balls.
Its probably the new seal between the box n tranny. :mad:
Liquids of all sorts.
The bane of all LR owners.:(:(:(
Having now become a 'single' person living in a world where this state is not socially catered for then the word 'expensive' takes on a whole new meaning.

A single person of maturing years has two choices really, either you hoard what money you have got and live the life of a comfortably off hermit or you use the money you have saved up over your working life to try to continue enjoying the lifestyle you have now been socially excluded from.

Over the years I have spent/wasted thousands of £'s on hobbies (Land rovers being one of them!) and never considered this as 'expensive' - I was doing what I wanted to do to make us happy and to enjoy our life together. Although life as I knew it is now very different why should I not do everything to enjoy what is remaining of my life?

'Expensive' is only a term for expressing an attitude to ones priorities imo. :)
Please don't take offence. None was meant.
I know what you mean about living life as a single person again. My bruv is in that situation and when W was over here on her own before I retired she was refused a booking for a table for one at a local restaurant, which to me is outright discrimination.

As you say, pay what you like for whatever you like doing, we do, there are no pockets in shrouds.
We just feel that in comparison to a carryvan, MHs are expensive. Which they are.

And we can't talk about "expensive" having two homes to run. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Any younger rellies who could be named, or good friends ?

The excuse is to return your vehicle to your home in the event of you being unwell...
Amazingly, and I still don't understand why, I once insured a vehicle and was told that insuring it "any driver" would be cheaper than just me on the policy.

As you say maybe just a good neighbour. I did occasionally put a mate on mine when we travelled together down here and he did some of the driving. It didn't cost a penny, but then he too had a clean licence.
I was born in 1955 and we didn't get a telly till we moved darn sarf in 1963.
I bet you got yours for the Coronation, as so many did. ;)
No we watched the Coronation on a friends TV - after the death of my father in '52 my mother obviously felt very lonely being left as a housebound lady with two young children to bring up so she got it to be able to watch the cricket test match with Aus! I was never a fan of TV.
No we watched the Coronation on a friends TV - after the death of my father in '52 my mother obviously felt very lonely being left as a housebound lady with two young children to bring up so she got it to be able to watch the cricket test match with Aus! I was never a fan of TV.
Good Lord, never realised your dad died so young. It's a bit late to say "Condolences" but I'm still saying it. Your mum must have had it tough, as must you and your sibling. 😢
Happy Sundi zedders!

Back to front weekend, so going to work in a bit. Fried brekkers first tho'.
Pint at our fave pub onna way home, herself will hit the Co-op for bargains, parking is free on a Sundi anorl.
Lamb Rogan Josh fer tea..

Enjoy your day and whatever you do (or don't). :vb-weee:

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