Ah, but if held at the right( or wrong) angle, can it drop through the hole?
Dimensions at the surface level are too large to allow it to get through the internal dimensions of the frame.
Or "personholes" as we have to call them nowadays!! 🤣
(I don't think I'd get my gut through that one.)🤣
You might get your gut through a modern one. They are made larger these days so a person can get through with a small breathing apparatus pack on his / her back. Unless you are a Billy Bunter ------ :p
Just waved goodbye to the chuck-chucks.
They'll have a good life with the neebs who adore their poultry.
He gave us two bots of wine and some other preserves. Bless him. We feel he is doing us a favour, he feels we are doing him a favour!
Two were caught relatively easily, but the thrid ran around and hid all over the place, it was like trying to catch "Road-Runner". BeepBip!!
W nearly wet herself laughing!
(He lost 8 hens to a Stone Martin last winter.)
Weather here is dry and sunny.
Lots of work to do today.
Have a good one folks!:):):)
Just waved goodbye to the chuck-chucks.
Schoolboy error this morning. While I was away at Castille el Wimblowdriver, I left me tratter at sis-in-laws where it was away from prying eyes and sticky fingers. When I do that, I lock it up with the key, which sets the immobiliser but disables the alarm. (Locking with the fob sets the alarm as well as the immobiliser). Got to remember to open it with the key, or fob, depending on which was used to lock it, otherwise the alarm goes off. So I unlocked with the key (remembered to do that), climbed in, and accidentally locked it. I do that sometimes, by knocking the button on the door, so I pulled it up again. And when I put the key in to start it, the alarms went off and the engine was immobilised. Did this twice. So had a think for 5 mins and then locked n unlocked with the fob. And then it fired up with half a turn of the motor. While I was driving back to the Towers, I realised what was wrong. When I initially climbed in, and the doors locked, it must have been triggered by an accidental press of the fob and not the button on the door. So the alarm and immobiliser did what it was supposed to do :cool:. And my alarms have been tested for another year:p.
Schoolboy error this morning. While I was away at Castille el Wimblowdriver, I left me tratter at sis-in-laws where it was away from prying eyes and sticky fingers. When I do that, I lock it up with the key, which sets the immobiliser but disables the alarm. (Locking with the fob sets the alarm as well as the immobiliser). Got to remember to open it with the key, or fob, depending on which was used to lock it, otherwise the alarm goes off. So I unlocked with the key (remembered to do that), climbed in, and accidentally locked it. I do that sometimes, by knocking the button on the door, so I pulled it up again. And when I put the key in to start it, the alarms went off and the engine was immobilised. Did this twice. So had a think for 5 mins and then locked n unlocked with the fob. And then it fired up with half a turn of the motor. While I was driving back to the Towers, I realised what was wrong. When I initially climbed in, and the doors locked, it must have been triggered by an accidental press of the fob and not the button on the door. So the alarm and immobiliser did what it was supposed to do :cool:. And my alarms have been tested for another year:p.

I have the same problem except I don’t take the keys out, lock it or have an alarm :oops:

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