Morning All. :D
A little lie-in today as she gets the paper while going her brother's Mum's shopping today.
We shopped for the old gal on Tuesday only to find that her Son visited and took all the pringles, meats, etc. so can we go and replace these things for her. He, (the ponce) cannot go shopping for himself because he's to bone-idle and lazy he says he cannot walk all that way around a supermarket. I wonder what he will do when his poor mother dies? Go figure,
Have a lovely day! :D
So either you or his mother is paying for his food and getting it for him. The git.:mad:

Sorry, that sounded very personal and I don't know him.:confused:

But if he was related to me he'd be getting more than a stiff letter! :mad:
Back in now from our jolly.
Lovely meal followed by successful wine tasting etc. Nice to meet old friends and taste new stuff. Got 10% off our purchases at both places, ;)
Still hot but not too bad.

As usual asked them all how the "vendange" was going. Both growers managed to avoid the mildew that has decimated a lot of the french grape fields this year, but the heat was what was difficult to deal with. The second place had 43 degs (65 in the sun) for 3 days running. The white wine grapes were turning pink and red so they had to harvest phenomenally quickly, 24 hours a day, must have been cooler working during the night! ;)
Have a nice evening peeps!:):):)
Sorry, but it really is your own faults for tolerating this for so long without getting the situation sorted with both of the other people.:(
I agree, I am just the reporter of this awful parental abuse. But my views don't count.
I won't do any of this for him, or the MIL. If my wife's out of action it will be a Tesco delivery once a week and lump it/make-do.

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