Pitch black here before 9 & I was oot fighing off the midges :rocket:
Too hot for covers last night, summink has bitten me
She told me that IT auditors were hated for exactly that reason, and yes as a result of her testing and audits people did get demoted or put on disciplinaries etc. The hilarious thing was when she put a report in and the idiot managers and executives who new ZIP about it challenged her findings, based on nothing.
She was once working for Toyota Financial Services International, every country had its own systems or setups, she insisted that what she was telling them in Italy was correct, when they argued she demanded that they got people in from IBM to prove it one way or another. They did so.
The head of European Banking for Toyota also flew in from Germany, and gave her a big metaphorical slap on the back for getting it right. It can't have been difficult for them to find as they had switched off all their security to make the system work! The IT manager got a demotion and moved out of IT and then, a bit of a twist of the knife, they sent her back in again to check the security was still working once IBM got it working!!
We put mistakes in to check if auditors spot them. More often than not they dun't. Eye was being picked on for cyber security. Eye is protected by @ming in his rocket but apparently that dun't count. Bloke rattles on about stuff so eye ask to see his phones to check they're running antivirus and firewall software. He wouldn't. On a different occasion eye were told centre punching a hard disk several times and folding it in arf wiv a hammer weren't securly gerrin rid of data. Offered him the disk so he could tell me what was onnit. He wouldn't let me do it to his laptop ard drive. Apparently yer can get the data offit with a scope. Eye offered him mine. Said eye'd buy an optical head ferrit. Another one signed a none disclosure agreement while chating about what he'd found wrong at other companies. He were told to leave and couldn't understand why.
Went choppin last nite. Gottid meself another stake. Mush rooms anorl. Avvin it later wiv chips. Came home to poop in me burd baffs again. Tis the pigwings doing it. Eye is going to buy some hanging baskets to put upside down over thems to keep em oot. They could go over the duck pond if they want to poop in water.
We put mistakes in to check if auditors spot them. More often than not they dun't. Eye was being picked on for cyber security. Eye is protected by @ming in his rocket but apparently that dun't count. Bloke rattles on about stuff so eye ask to see his phones to check they're running antivirus and firewall software. He wouldn't. On a different occasion eye were told centre punching a hard disk several times and folding it in arf wiv a hammer weren't securly gerrin rid of data. Offered him the disk so he could tell me what was onnit. He wouldn't let me do it to his laptop ard drive. Apparently yer can get the data offit with a scope. Eye offered him mine. Said eye'd buy an optical head ferrit. Another one signed a none disclosure agreement while chating about what he'd found wrong at other companies. He were told to leave and couldn't understand why.
I read this to her, she understood it more than I did!
She also reminded me about the guy who had porn on his works computer! Silly beggar! didn't seem to realise it was a criminal offence and argued black and blue that it was OK cos he "only watchced it when he ws on night duty"!
🤣 🤣 🤣
Off out for lunch in our favourite place on the Canal du Midi, then to two places to taste and buy wine. W actually has a shopping list, for once. :):)
It'll be about 32 degs down there!
Phew! and we are going in the car which does more to the gallion than the Disco but has no air-con, although we can open the roof right up, (Then I has to wear a hat. :rolleyes:)
Have a lovely day folks!!:):):)
Morning All. :D
A little lie-in today as she gets the paper while going her brother's Mum's shopping today.
We shopped for the old gal on Tuesday only to find that her Son visited and took all the pringles, meats, etc. so can we go and replace these things for her. He, (the ponce) cannot go shopping for himself because he's to bone-idle and lazy he says he cannot walk all that way around a supermarket. I wonder what he will do when his poor mother dies? Go figure,
Have a lovely day! :D
Morning All. :D
A little lie-in today as she gets the paper while going her brother's Mum's shopping today.
We shopped for the old gal on Tuesday only to find that her Son visited and took all the pringles, meats, etc. so can we go and replace these things for her. He, (the ponce) cannot go shopping for himself because he's to bone-idle and lazy he says he cannot walk all that way around a supermarket. I wonder what he will do when his poor mother dies? Go figure,
Have a lovely day! :D
Dun't yer mrs realise this is happening?

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