Trailer loaded with loaded trailer ready for the show on 17th πŸ™‚


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Horrid things

Home bits done around the house so I don't need to do it 2moro.
Have a day to myself so I am thinking of hitting laundry pile whilst it's warm as hell and getting it out of the way.

How's everyone?
Very good thank you. Major improvements after just the one session with the Osteopath. :)
I can't believe the difference she has made in 1 session. Chiro can get lost from now on.
I hope you are all recovered from your recent ills too! :D
Have a lovely weekend.
Forgot to mention, while driving south today in no hurry, so staying at the speed limit, one or two idiots got very close then overtook in the typical French manner, i.e. badly, not doing it when they have plenty of room and I slow down for them, instead approaching a bend or summat.
Anyway at one point we and the vehicle in front were overtaken by a twit in a Jagwagh, in said manner i.e. approaching a bend.

He then just continued at about the speed limit, gradually pulling away.

Anyway, a few miles further on I said to W "Isn't that that Jag that over took us?" as we saw it pulled over at the side of the road with a young woman in a very tight, shiny, blue dress and high heels tottering/staggering out the door and away from it holding a handkerchief to her mouth.
We laughed at the thought of her "rendition" all over his leather interior!!!🀣🀣🀣
Oops, the day has not ended well. W now has a swollen stomach, feels sick etc.:confused:
Looks as if someone in the restaurant, that we have been going to for 14 years and so far have never put a foot wrong, may have accidentally given her something containing gluten.
So she'll be out of action for at least tomorrow.
Very good thank you. Major improvements after just the one session with the Osteopath. :)
I can't believe the difference she has made in 1 session. Chiro can get lost from now on.
I hope you are all recovered from your recent ills too! :D
Have a lovely weekend.
I'm ok just tired, glad of a week off
Fine, thanks for asking!
You OK?:):):)
Yes as above 😎😁
Managed to get the Zaffy through it's MOT ...
Anything that's needing done or did it sail right through.
Another melting day stuck inside a floating caravan, eventually got the stuck gear cable out wot a pita :mad: :mad:

Bloody thing was jammed into the drive coupling connected to the flywheel :stars:
Couldnt turn the engine over by hand all, had to remove the spark plugs 4 out of the 8 were cracked :oops:
Totally solid no need to do them up that tight even one was bent at the top ?? think someone used the
wrong socket to put them in. Got it moving back & forward 10mm each way using a screwdriver & a spanner
hammered between the bolts in one of the pullys. 4 hours of pulling n twisting omg the sweat was running of
me :confused: Came out eventually. :):) All this for a 5 quid gator. :rolleyes: Stupit merkin boats.
Still in my work gear went to get some rum after work & a chinky, kept an eye on the young lads who borrowed a boat from the
yard to go out n play. They'd never been out before & the skipper has been out with me once so knows some rules.
I was on stand by just in case they broke down or ran into any probs. All good they are back on dry land without any issues. :)
Still in my work gear went to get some rum after work & a chinky, kept an eye on the young lads who borrowed a boat from the
yard to go out n play. They'd never been out before & the skipper has been out with me once so knows some rules.
I was on stand by just in case they broke down or ran into any probs. All good they are back on dry land without any issues. :)
Happy days.

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