leaving Benfleet
My ancestral line is rooted in Sarf Benfleet. One of me ancestors from there, with his missus from Poplar, went off globe trotting with the army in the mid 1800's, and on their return settled in Isle of Wight, and subsequent generations went on to pollute the gene pools of Dorset for a while. We continue to pollute the gene pools in many parts of the UK.
While I was working in and around London over many years, I did come across people with the same family name (which is not a common name) in the course of my work, in the Benfleet / Rainham / Hornchurch areas. And once had work connections with one in the PLA - a captain no less. Tis a small world ----
No because then I wouldn't get to choose! I will be long in the grave before she curls up her toes :)
Since we moved here she has grown to love the place and wouldn't move back even if I pop me clogs any time soon.
Oh and we own this place with no mortgage and owe nowt to anyone :)
We've chatted about this a bit, especially with her being 8 years older than me. If I went first we think she'd sell up here and live in the Uk permanently, if she goes first I think I'd live in France for most of the time. But the ticklish issue is what happens when your friends die around you? You could end up in a place you love but without all the peeps who made it so lovely.
No mortgages on anything make decision-making a sight easier though.

How morbid we are getting! :eek: :eek: :eek:
We've chatted about this a bit, especially with her being 8 years older than me. If I went first we think she'd sell up here and live in the Uk permanently, if she goes first I think I'd live in France for most of the time. But the ticklish issue is what happens when your friends die around you? You could end up in a place you love but without all the peeps who made it so lovely.
No mortgages on anything make decision-making a sight easier though.

How morbid we are getting! :eek: :eek: :eek:

She will defo be going before me ive even dug her a nice secluded spot 🤣🤣🤣
If we were to live near the grandkids we 'd have to live on an island in Western Scotland, in Wales, in Lincolnshire, in the New Forest, and in St Germain en Laye. and if we wanted to see the middle daughter more we'd also have to live in Worcestershire.
Of the 6 we only see 4 of them anything like regularly, if you can call once a year regularly for the 2 in France.

I stay here cause its far enough away from family that they dont want to visit suits me cause they always want somefink
but I never have wot they want prob cause ive swapped it for somit else 🤣 🤣
Not here either which I'm v grateful for. It's the humidity that kills me and I've not used a duvet since may. Too hot to sleep.
My other half wraps a duvet around her like a caterpillar in a cocoon all year round.
In the winter months she insists on another single 5.x duvet over the king-size 4.5 on her side (pinned in place) so she stays warm. I'm chucking the whole lot off half the night to keep cool. Different body types I guess. :)
My other half wraps a duvet around her like a caterpillar in a cocoon all year round.
In the winter months she insists on another single 5.x duvet over the king-size 4.5 on her side (pinned in place) so she stays warm. I'm chucking the whole lot off half the night to keep cool. Different body types I guess. :)

Sounds like they could be sisters :oops: I make hot water bottles for her 🤣

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