Theres a formal complaint about tesco doing this. Can't remember who wiv. Noticed today sainsberrys is now doing the same fing. Now putting two prices on the shelf for certain fings. Just like tesco does. Dunt bovver me. Eye is a necta ippo. Save meself loads of sovs each year wivvit.
I looked at nectar but they want all your personal details. Given all the fraud etc that goes on with nectar.. i don't fancy it
There's an upfront purchase price (I think mine was in the region of £450) and then a monthly fee. They haven't taken a monthly fee off me yet, because it's only just arrived. Apparently you can pause the monthly fee if you're not using it for a while, a bit like putting your car on SORN. The process of buying it was so easy and crap-free that I don't know whether it is closest to a subscription or contract model. I'm not a big mobile phone person myself, but I keep my partner Xylia in mobile phones and enabling her to enjoy the latest iPhone is always a morass of bureaucratic junk, credit checks and the like, whereas with Starlink all you need is an address and a debit/credit card number and you've got one.

Another fun thing is the way it's a motorised dish, so you can see it moving around all by itself hunting for the best signal. I had wondered how it would perform here in the city with buildings all around, but it found a signal with no problems.
Simular to the one del boy gottid

I looked at nectar but they want all your personal details. Given all the fraud etc that goes on with nectar.. i don't fancy it
Dint know it suffered wiv fraud. Yer have to password yer account. Eye save over 100 sovs a year chopping. Yer get point discount and offers. Eye stock up on non perishable fings when they is on offer. Eye has bin known to do that fer over a year wiv me brekfust cereals. Previous years they gave me 10 sovs at crispmus.

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