Mornin all.
Front prop shaft in an RTC steering damper anorl. Done just before the rain came. The crawler I got for the job couldn't handle the knobbly concrete in the alley so was a bust, least i had something soft to rest me head ont*. ;) One nut on the prop was an absolute bastid, partially rounded an no room to get a ring or socket on, the new prop had loads of room so it went on in a trice.
Damper was a doddle and centred properly first time. Certainly makes a difference.
Track rod ends today and herself wants her pushbike serviced. This retirement fing int cushy :oops:
*Bit of lino?
Have a smashin day
We have a three piece suite for outdoor use. It came years ago with cream coloured cushions.
After years they could no longer be seen due to stains etc that cannot be got out. So W sent dimensions of to a UK cushion maker. When they arrived there was one small and one big. So after a lot of rowing with them they finally sent...... another big one.

After a long while of not doing much W has finally got around to making a small cushion from the big one.

I cut the foam for her and now she is trying to use one end of the big cushion cover to make a small one.
Sounds easy enough but the zip isn't in a convenient place.

However she has got a strop an and we all know what that means!!!

I have reupholstered our dining suite before, which is again in foam etc. And obvs in the kit car world you have to do some work with this sort of material. She says "I am no good at thinking in 3 dimensions." Yet she makes dresses, trousers knits etc etc, so that is frankly round objects. Especially as this is basically straight lines.

Drives me round the bend when I can see what she thinks is a problem and the solution to it. :mad:

She has calmed down a bit now and is driving her sewing machine.:eek::eek::eek:

We will see, but I strongly expect things to be thrown down and sentences beginning with "I hate......" being uttered, before it all ends. :rolleyes:

Raining ere now.:(

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