My me-time has evaporated. Dottir and her husband have just bought their first house - a bungalow - 1/2 an hour from me. It’s stuck in a 1980's time warp, with layers of 60's and 70's underneath. Basically sound, but in need of much tlc. I said I would point them in the right directions and let them get on with it, but know it will take more than that. They got the keys yesterday, skip arrived this morning.
Make sure you only “advise” otherwise you will get roped into to all sorts.
Now if you say Don’t bother with that I will sort it then that’s fine your choice.

Good luck to them, always a big step. Give plenty of encouragement :)

See somit wrong here 🤣 🤣
My me-time has evaporated. Dottir and her husband have just bought their first house - a bungalow - 1/2 an hour from me. Its stuck in a 1980's time warp, with layers of 60's and 70's underneath. Basically sound, but in need of much tlc. I said I would point them in the right directions and let them get on with it, but know it will take more than that. They got the keys yesterday, skip arrived this morning.
Just remind them that the 70’s and 80’s are coming back into fashion
My me-time has evaporated. Dottir and her husband have just bought their first house - a bungalow - 1/2 an hour from me. Its stuck in a 1980's time warp, with layers of 60's and 70's underneath. Basically sound, but in need of much tlc. I said I would point them in the right directions and let them get on with it, but know it will take more than that. They got the keys yesterday, skip arrived this morning.
You know that "You The Man" and now you are "on-tap" for everything. Been there done that. :D


was it you :vb-stir:

No chance I would do that 🤣 Its a commercial boat with twin cummins in it. Came in for a paint job ect the lads think they know
it all but said can someone look at the fan belt as one has snapped & there is a small belt in front of the one but cant get it off.
Aye ok I'll have a look I had the water impellor belt of in seconds & handed it to him. 🤣

It was lunch time so I tried the belt & it was mega tight so the plan was after lunch id soak it in hot water to soften the belt.
I came back lads all gone home boat all closed up lights off so I decided to have a look at the belt & thats what I found. 🤣
Ok so the truck turned up & lifted 2 loads of block that were sitting stacked one on top of the other so he's lifted them
as I said id move them with the machine can you put them on pallets.
Ok thats done (well done that man for getting it right the second time) then I was short of some blocks & he done this......

Was there a shortage of pallets to stick them on what a coconut :stars:

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