Just got a very formulaic email from a private Dermatology bunch.
Didn't answer a lot of my questions.
Can't see me before the 9th of Sep anyway.

And want to charge me flipping 250 sovs for the pleasure of a "consultation" which will only tell me what the €55 one I had over here told me. :mad::mad:

Lord knows what they would dare charge for the op.:eek::eek::eek:

God I wish we had looked more closely at this flipping thing about a week or two before I decided to go and get it looked at, and that I didn't have to be back before the visa runs out.

Both vets and private medical treatment over here are SOOO much cheaper, quicker and as far as the vet is concerned at least, better, than in the UK. All the medical stuff we have had to have over here has been brilliant. The aftercare also is fantastic. W's twice-weekly physio is good and lasts about 3/4 of an hour. It only costs €16 a session. Wonder how much you'd pay for a private physio in the UK? Well here you go, Β£200 to Β£300 per "consultation". No wonder students wishing to study it have to have the same A level grades as for a doctor.

Rip-off Britain.

This is really pushing us more and more into getting "cartes de sΓ©jour" and moving over here slightly more permanently.

I have already looked into getting my cataract done over here, it'd be less than a third of the cost of private treatment in the UK.

Rant over, for the moment.
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If I were you I would go and tinker about in the man cave πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰
I had planned to drill holes and put the wide-head pop rivets in, what had arrived today, but she kicked off before I could do it, plus my back is killing me for some reason. Better that I stay with her and encourage her to get off her blasted foot what she is not supposed to be on. She is finally lying on the sofa until I have to wash her feet, put her support sock and her shoes on her then take her to physio.

Dog booked in for a first consulation re having her dentistry done. Tomoz, after my Chiro appt.
Getting all done as soon as in case we have to flip off back to Blighty in a hurry. :rolleyes:
....so we did the shopping, came home and had lunch.
I was just about to go out to my workshop for some "me" time when the phone rang.
My youngest son. Dad, as you know I've put my back out (yes, I got my crutches down from the loft for you yesterday son). Well Dad, I've got a new office chair because the old one is busted and lopsided and I think that is what has thrown my back out. The trouble is that I can't get down on the floor to put it all together. Would you mind coming over and helping me? A euphemism for me doing the whole assembly on my own.
....so we did the shopping, came home and had lunch.
I was just about to go out to my workshop for some "me" time when the phone rang.
My youngest son. Dad, as you know I've put my back out (yes, I got my crutches down from the loft for you yesterday son). Well Dad, I've got a new office chair because the old one is busted and lopsided and I think that is what has thrown my back out. The trouble is that I can't get down on the floor to put it all together. Would you mind coming over and helping me? A euphemism for me doing the whole assembly on my own.

Tell him to build it on the kitchen table 🀣 .

We have a three piece suite for outdoor use. It came years ago with cream coloured cushions.
After years they could no longer be seen due to stains etc that cannot be got out. So W sent dimensions of to a UK cushion maker. When they arrived there was one small and one big. So after a lot of rowing with them they finally sent...... another big one.

After a long while of not doing much W has finally got around to making a small cushion from the big one.

I cut the foam for her and now she is trying to use one end of the big cushion cover to make a small one.
Sounds easy enough but the zip isn't in a convenient place.

However she has got a strop an and we all know what that means!!!

I have reupholstered our dining suite before, which is again in foam etc. And obvs in the kit car world you have to do some work with this sort of material. She says "I am no good at thinking in 3 dimensions." Yet she makes dresses, trousers knits etc etc, so that is frankly round objects. Especially as this is basically straight lines.

Drives me round the bend when I can see what she thinks is a problem and the solution to it. :mad:

She has calmed down a bit now and is driving her sewing machine.:eek::eek::eek:

We will see, but I strongly expect things to be thrown down and sentences beginning with "I hate......" being uttered, before it all ends. :rolleyes:

Raining ere now.:(
If you can see the issue and know how to solve it make her a pattern to follow. :)
Tell him to build it on the kitchen table 🀣 .

To be fair, he can hardly stand up. The excruciating pain in his back the other day caused him to soil himself in his own bed.
I've experienced that level of pain (but not the crapping myself). It once took me half an hour to crawl up the stairs on all fours to get to my bed when my disc popped. Slipped discs are no fun. I have to admit I had guessed what the gig entailed as soon as he asked me to help him. I'm just moaning that I lost my me-time I think. :)
To be fair, he can hardly stand up. The excruciating pain in his back the other day caused him to soil himself in his own bed.
I've experienced that level of pain (but not the crapping myself). It once took me half an hour to crawl up the stairs on all fours to get to my bed when my disc popped. Slipped discs are no fun. I have to admit I had guessed what the gig entailed as soon as he asked me to help him. I'm just moaning that I lost my me-time I think. :)
An there's us thinkin he's a whining lightweight..
Bad Dan
To be fair, he can hardly stand up. The excruciating pain in his back the other day caused him to soil himself in his own bed.
I've experienced that level of pain (but not the crapping myself). It once took me half an hour to crawl up the stairs on all fours to get to my bed when my disc popped. Slipped discs are no fun. I have to admit I had guessed what the gig entailed as soon as he asked me to help him. I'm just moaning that I lost my me-time I think. :)
Ah that's not good bless him,
My me-time has evaporated. Dottir and her husband have just bought their first house - a bungalow - 1/2 an hour from me. Its stuck in a 1980's time warp, with layers of 60's and 70's underneath. Basically sound, but in need of much tlc. I said I would point them in the right directions and let them get on with it, but know it will take more than that. They got the keys yesterday, skip arrived this morning.
Just got a very formulaic email from a private Dermatology bunch.
Didn't answer a lot of my questions.
Can't see me before the 9th of Sep anyway.

And want to charge me flipping 250 sovs for the pleasure of a "consultation" which will only tell me what the €55 one I had over here told me. :mad::mad:

Lord knows what they would dare charge for the op.:eek::eek::eek:

God I wish we had looked more closely at this flipping thing about a week or two before I decided to go and get it looked at, and that I didn't have to be back before the visa runs out.

Both vets and private medical treatment over here are SOOO much cheaper, quicker and as far as the vet is concerned at least, better, than in the UK. All the medical stuff we have had to have over here has been brilliant. The aftercare also is fantastic. W's twice-weekly physio is good and lasts about 3/4 of an hour. It only costs €16 a session. Wonder how much you'd pay for a private physio in the UK? Well here you go, Β£200 to Β£300 per "consultation". No wonder students wishing to study it have to have the same A level grades as for a doctor.

Rip-off Britain.

This is really pushing us more and more into getting "cartes de sΓ©jour" and moving over here slightly more permanently.

I have already looked into getting my cataract done over here, it'd be less than a third of the cost of private treatment in the UK.

Rant over, for the moment.

If the vets are cheaper can they not cut out the lump on yer noggin 🀣
To be fair, he can hardly stand up. The excruciating pain in his back the other day caused him to soil himself in his own bed.
I've experienced that level of pain (but not the crapping myself). It once took me half an hour to crawl up the stairs on all fours to get to my bed when my disc popped. Slipped discs are no fun. I have to admit I had guessed what the gig entailed as soon as he asked me to help him. I'm just moaning that I lost my me-time I think. :)

Sounds like he don’t need an office chair for a while then ;) .

Sounds hard but sorry you get called on for trivial stuff that as younguns we used to sort Ourselves.

As much as I have sympathy for his pain.

....so we did the shopping, came home and had lunch.
I was just about to go out to my workshop for some "me" time when the phone rang.
My youngest son. Dad, as you know I've put my back out (yes, I got my crutches down from the loft for you yesterday son). Well Dad, I've got a new office chair because the old one is busted and lopsided and I think that is what has thrown my back out. The trouble is that I can't get down on the floor to put it all together. Would you mind coming over and helping me? A euphemism for me doing the whole assembly on my own.

Oh son whats black 6 inches long & goes dead on you n then hang up. 🀣

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