Me broadband contract ends next month. They will put the price up so eye has signed up ferra new contract wiv them. They will drop the price by 5 sovs and take away me phone line that eye never use, and fit a fibre only connection. 24.99 sovs per month wiv plusnet. We dun't need mega fast speeds so eye has picked the cheapest one at 75meg down and 20 up.
Mornin all.
Has to be up early to phone the hosp to get an appointment for them to check up on W's ankle etc.
The plaster has already shrunk.
Made the phone call, got an answer, nice woman but I now have to wait for someone else to ring back wuth an appointment time and date.
Dog goes back to the vets this arvo also for a check up.

Problem with all these check ups is that they all mean cheque-ups as well!! :rolleyes:
Misty as heck here, again.
Have a nice day folks
Don't overdo it!
I am sorry it was so hot. We were in the clouds all day and I had to light a fire.
Re the shuttering, better too well braced than not enough. ;)


Think I over done it yesterday I was knackered last night, feeling fresh today misses is on my back too says
I should take the day off n gave me a rolling eyes kinda look when I said no. :vb-groan:
Concrete does not harden by drying out. Quite the opposite, it needs water for the chemical changes which take place after it sets. Normal to keep it wet after it has set, or spray with a curing agent to seal the moisture in.

Ive been wetting it but it was so hot yesterday by the time I got all the way round the first bit was drying :vb-groan2:
The last soaking was 11pm last night I will be off out after my coffee to give it a soaking.
Gave up trying to get through to the X-ray dept.
Rang reception, a charming lady told me that it would be best to do it via a bunch called "Doctolib" on the internet.
Bless her she stayed on the line while I did nearly all this until I felt confident I could finish it off and let her get on.
Not like quite a few doc' receptionists I have met!
Mind, ones in hospicles are often much better. ;)
So can now get on until I have to shepherd the doggie to the vet!
Have a nice day peeps!:):):)
Mornin all, lovely day for putting your hanging basket up


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Mornin all, lovely day for putting your hanging basket up
I love this.
We now have a bog that we could put anywhere on our land and use in whatever way we see fit.
I am tempted to put it right in the middle of a field we own, just as it is.
And see what happens.
(Guess some scrote might climb the fence and use it! Might have to cover the seat in brambles!)
Or put up some signs along the lines of
"Pour l'usage de Père Ubu seulement"
Or "Fausse sceptique" (A septic tank is called a "fosse septique")

Only funny to Frogs, I know, sorry about that!

( Je vais prendre mon pardessus!!);)🤣🤣

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