Mornin all. Got some catchin up to do today. Was round ma's an the puppy snaffled a blood pressure tablet off the coffee table. Not one that is toxic to mutts but of course the dose is enormous. Vets made her throw up and monitored her for the day. Little bugger is fine but very hungry. :vb-angel4:
Glad to hear the little beggar is still alive and kicking!!
It's International Tea Day

They won't. There's other sellers online selling avg licenses for AVG Internet Security, and other AVG products, much cheaper. I'm running one now. AVG is a betterer product than norton.
Everybody I speak to about this says another, usually their, product is better than all the others. Including people who fix puters for a living.
This lot for instance put Norton on the podium, just and AVG nowhere?!
Everybody I speak to about this says another, usually their, product is better than all the others. Including people who fix puters for a living.
This lot for instance put Norton on the podium, just and AVG nowhere?!
There's over 100 different anti virus/firewall combined products available. They may have only tested 7. It also depends on the tests they do and to what extent they're sponsered. Also opinion. Few would condem a 1980's rolls royce as rubbish but some will. Peeps I know in IT use avg. I used McAfee in the late 90's but it went slow. Then moved to norton as it was a betterer product but that went slow. Then moved to AVG about 2007 and not looked back. The way it scans doesn't bog down system resources. Also when I have had problems their support has been good.
There's over 100 different anti virus/firewall combined products available. They may have only tested 7. It also depends on the tests they do and to what extent they're sponsered. Also opinion. Few would condem a 1980's rolls royce as rubbish but some will. Peeps I know in IT use avg. I used McAfee in the late 90's but it went slow. Then moved to norton as it was a betterer product but that went slow. Then moved to AVG about 2007 and not looked back. The way it scans doesn't bog down system resources. Also when I have had problems their support has been good.
I listen to you about this cos I know you work with them all the time.
But when the sods took £80 off me, without me asking em to, as much as I paid for the bleddy phone, I got irate.
Next year I'll look into it earlier and maybe find a way of buying it cheaper and getting it to cover both phone and pooter.
I listen to you about this cos I know you work with them all the time.
But when the sods took £80 off me, without me asking em to, as much as I paid for the bleddy phone, I got irate.
Next year I'll look into it earlier and maybe find a way of buying it cheaper and getting it to cover both phone and pooter.
About 5 to 8 years ago avg started to get peeps to agree to auto renewal of yer license wiv them. The only problem was they needed yer payment details. Purchases wiv them prior to this were via a 3rd party company. They had to ask yer permission to gain access to those details for the auto renewal. Eye said no. ;) The theory being they were going to add said details to your avg account online for use wiv the auto renewal fing. Eye expect a lot of peeps got tricked into this. Eye could see it coming so avoided it.

When yer buy from avg online now they automatically apply the auto renewal fing. Hence they charge you again at renewal time. they will refund and cancel this if yer see the charge come through and tell them yer dun't want to use it. As part of this they will kill yer license running avg, which is understandable. Prices have gone up quite a bit over the last 3 years since eye last bought mine. They do admit yer can cancel the auto renewal at any time, after the initial purchase. Eye would advise anyone to do this as part of the auto renewal agreement accepts any price rise they may apply. To me it feels like a trap but from their point of view they're trying to make renewals happen, to keep sales up, and do so smoothly. ebay item 153688081523 ;) Gone up a bit since eye got mine.
Got edgar oot of his pot on fridi as it were playing on me mind eye din't cut oft his lower bit so there's fresh wood in contact wiv the powder stuff eye bort to help entice him to grow roots. Eye dug down by the side of him to release him so I could put him back in the same way, then push soil against him. That way the powder wouldn't come oft. Eye also cut two small split's in him and left him to soak in a cup of water for 4 hours. We is hoping this will help him to grow again burrits not happened so far. It's said crispmus tree's are hard to take cuttings from to grow yerself. Eye has copied peeps on youtube and not sure what else eye can do to help him. Fed him some miracal grow anorl.
About 5 to 8 years ago avg started to get peeps to agree to auto renewal of yer license wiv them. The only problem was they needed yer payment details. Purchases wiv them prior to this were via a 3rd party company. They had to ask yer permission to gain access to those details for the auto renewal. Eye said no. ;) The theory being they were going to add said details to your avg account online for use wiv the auto renewal fing. Eye expect a lot of peeps got tricked into this. Eye could see it coming so avoided it.

When yer buy from avg online now they automatically apply the auto renewal fing. Hence they charge you again at renewal time. they will refund and cancel this if yer see the charge come through and tell them yer dun't want to use it. As part of this they will kill yer license running avg, which is understandable. Prices have gone up quite a bit over the last 3 years since eye last bought mine. They do admit yer can cancel the auto renewal at any time, after the initial purchase. Eye would advise anyone to do this as part of the auto renewal agreement accepts any price rise they may apply. To me it feels like a trap but from their point of view they're trying to make renewals happen, to keep sales up, and do so smoothly. ebay item 153688081523 ;) Gone up a bit since eye got mine.
Obviously, well to you, this is what must have happened. But they have already agreed to refund it.
They aren't the only ones who get up to this trick though. Norton did it too, but their price rise was much smaller. In the past I used to change supplier every year, to get it cheaper.

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