Sometimes a high figure is high but not high for the person. Tis best to gerrit checked oot. Eye has bort a blood test fing fer 36 sovs from boots as i was asked by the doc to test at home ferra week.
Herself already makes sure I has lots of the right stuff, we has a veggie night a couple of times a week. I has been a pescatarian fing for the last two days. It doesn't help that I'm so sedentary, an likes a drinky..
I'm testing at home this week an have a full blood screen coming up anorl, oh an a wee test too.. Full MOT.
You shouldn't have high blood pressure owning a Land Rover!!!

You spend so much time fixing it and bashing knuckles etc, that you bleed off all the excess blood so it doesn't get a chance to build up any pressure :D... My other cars are VW's, so I never build up any decent pressure ;)
I think a lot of things are linked to dietary the trouble is all the crap is affordable I was brought up with veggies from the garden and in season and have just carried on no preservatives or chemicals well a little lie we use alcohol for preserving hick ✔
91 sounds a bit high? Do you check both arms? Doctors generally don't but it can't find problems if out of spec
Eye tests me right arm each time. Eye dun't fink yer can compare arms because of where they is connected to yer system.. Eye is new to this testing stuff. Eye aint a fatty. It has been picked up on a check up. Not an initial concern but somefink we is lookering into.
Eye tests me right arm each time. Eye dun't fink yer can compare arms because of where they is connected to yer system.. Eye is new to this testing stuff. Eye aint a fatty. It has been picked up on a check up. Not an initial concern but somefink we is lookering into.

Me Doc had me check mine 3x a day ferra week, averaged out at 133/89.

Tis summink to do with calc 10 year risk of heart disease that they call Qrisk.
We don't at the moment just been looking at housing and found a UK company that makes poly tunnels but put a stretching fine green mesh cover on all ready got all the electrical fencing as have been viewing are trail cameras and we have a lot off critters about at night including Martin's and thay are incredibly good hunters.looking at duel purpose heavy bread.marons or road.I red's or a mixture and.k.k ducks
We too have opredators as you'll rmember, so we simply lock them up at night in the expensive house!
Good luck with the tunnel thing. :):):)
I do have a 101...
This might make you laugh, my new Landy mad neighbour has recently bought a 110 V8 in the UK and driven it over to France.
He will now have a heck of a job registering it as this has got much tougher recently. He asked me about ti cos it's had two engine changes although one has actually been changed on the V5c. He then said :
"Well if it is difficult I'll register it in Portugal as we have a house in the Azores".
I immediately thought of you and the massive problems you had registering your 101 and I don't even know if you have got the paperwork all done yet!
I didn't say anything, he knows it all already! (Pfft)!:D:D:D

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