Sussed it - the cock emoji turns into a hen when yer post yer reply. πŸ“
(and no smutty responses pls)
Left W at home cos big post was arriving needing someone to take it in.
Went off to toon, did shopping, stood twnety minutes at the checkout while tow of the three peeps in front of me shoved through a shipping order then paid by FLIPPING cheque.
(if the purchases are less the €100 then the checkout person needs to take down all the details of the ID.
If it is over €100 they have to do the same for 2 forms of ID.)
Both were over €100.:rolleyes:
Then off to pick up the chooks, two fo whom seemed very lively!:):):).
Got back home to find that Wifey had watched while some blokey with a yellow van , (yes, postal) had shoved one big item in the post box but then got on his phone and eventually left.
No, she didn't go and speak to him.
So, sho nuff, in the postbox is one big parcel, a few other letters and a card saying "I was unable to deliver as you weren't in!"
Of course he was on the phone trying to ring us on the non-existent mobile to say"I am at your gate with a parcel" (No one bothers to walk a few meters and ring the doorbell anymore.)
This was why she didn't come shopping with me.
Words fail me, altho she got an earful. :(:(:(
1st May is a bank hoiday over here, (there is never a full week in May in France). Luckily we aren't that bothered about the contents of the parcel for a while (drive belts for the big machine and yes why the heck can't they fit in a small enough parcel?)
So we'll have to pick it up when we take the dog to the vets.
Very sunny and hot here.
Have a lovely day you lot!!:):):):)

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