I do have a 101...


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Well the day went weird.
Had to help W out lots wiv preparation for the hens as she still isn't feeling very good. The netting which forms a sort of fence needed digging/cutting out of the weeds, putting up straight and all the post things supporting with guy ropes.
She then set about cleaning the hen house.
The lid to the egg box came off in her hands. :rolleyes:
It is made of wet cardboard so Stan had to be a bit inventive to fix it.
(flipping thing cost €600 :eek: WHAT?????:eek: and is a pile of poop. I did say to her at the time we could buy a lot of eggs for that! Then we saw the exact same model at anovver place for €400, still too much.)
Took a while.
Prior to that I had established that the noo cistern will not quite sit on top of the old loo pan holes too far apart. So we discussed how we were going to deal with the time when the downstairs bog will be out of action. There is the downstairs bathroom but she would need help getting on and off it. Not a real problem but she said "Why don't we get one of those nice support rail things like we have in the downstairs bog?" No sweat we thought. But can we find one the right dimesnisons? That doesn't either costa packet or won't come until 15th May? Nope. The existing one has a nice wide diameter grab handle. 37mm to be precise and all the noo ones, or nearly, seem to be much thinner, more like an inch. Or longer or not in the righ material.
God the time you could and do spend looking for carp ont internet!
And so often they don't even put the vital dimension.:mad:
But at least the sun came out, it has been very warm and the solar heater warmed the watter so we din't need to heat it with the element.
All good fun!
Hope you all had good days!

I note some of you have been exploring the world of the Smileys!
You really must have some time on your hands!!:stars::vb-groan2::vb-poke-with-stick:.
There, doing my bit for Smileydom!!!
Enjoy the eve folks!!

My wee bro just got some new hens think they they lay blue eggs. :vb-weee:
They are simply called "rousses" which just means reddish feathered. They are very friendly and good layers.
I''ll Google the name to see if it has other meanings .
Well apparently they are a cross breed of which there are 1000s of varieties.
Mixtures of loads of crossbreedings of Cornish, Rhode Isalnd Red, Leghorn, New Hampshire and Plymouth.
We have had them now for years and see no reason to change them.
What do you have?


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