I had a little bit more "shop" time and put an M12 fine LH thread on one of my half-axles for the upcoming delta/quad/trike. :D
Afternoon folks:).

well woke this am, which is always a bonus;). it was sort of trying to snow last night, today we woke to about 100mm of the white stuff (thats about 4inches for the oldies;)) it has mostly just been blown around today but still mostly here and the same promised tonight, lets see.
But as its the first real snow we have had this year we are not complaining. So have mostly been sat in the warm and feeding sticks into the heating provider;).
I haven't made my yearly snowman yet, maybe tomorrow I will be brave enough to spend a couple of minutes outside;).


No pics pppffffffff :rolleyes::p:D
They dont make money if peeps pay credit with credit;). Those that could (read all the scumbags) would just get a couple of 10k credit cards then just do credit card ping pong.

Haven't had a credit card for years (some would believe I cant be trusted:eek:) But must say early days was hard as some wouldn't accept debit cardso_O.
But not the case now, and along with a wallet full of cash a debit card gets me through. Also suits me as the balance is what you have:).

Plus we cant be bothered with saying "well spend it on credit and we save money with the interest we get" really:rolleyes:.

Good practice.
I do have a credit card and use them for the purchased goods protection. But they make no interest from me as I pay off in full every month (in fact I make a point of paying 1p over the balance every month).
The government is doing all it can to kill the "cash" part of the economy and push us into a "digital economy" where they can switch off our assets/credit with a keystroke and if they have their way we will have a "programmable" currency that limits your spending to what they want you to spend. Search "Rishi Sunak and programmable digital currency" https://www.cato.org/commentary/why-sunak-should-think-twice-about-central-bank-digital-currency

The government hates the self-employed who are not trapped in the PAYE ponzi-scheme, and digital currency is another control mechanism they would love to have.
Good practice.
I do have a credit card and use them for the purchased goods protection. But they make no interest from me as I pay off in full every month (in fact I make a point of paying 1p over the balance every month).
The government is doing all it can to kill the "cash" part of the economy and push us into a "digital economy" where they can switch off our assets/credit with a keystroke and if they have their way we will have a "programmable" currency that limits your spending to what they want you to spend. Search "Rishi Sunak and programmable digital currency" https://www.cato.org/commentary/why-sunak-should-think-twice-about-central-bank-digital-currency

The government hates the self-employed who are not trapped in the PAYE ponzi-scheme, and digital currency is another control mechanism they would love to have.
Peeps is moving away from cash because transactions are easier buy card. Nowt to do wiv gov control. Yer card allows you to carry a lot of spending power wiv ya, but offers the safety ov noravvin the cash on yer. Saves yer having to go to the cash point anorl.
Peeps is moving away from cash because transactions are easier buy card. Nowt to do wiv gov control. Yer card allows you to carry a lot of spending power wiv ya, but offers the safety ov noravvin the cash on yer. Saves yer having to go to the cash point anorl.

When w@s the l@st time @ny you lot tried to t@ke @ few gr@nd out the b@nk ffs wot @ pit@
they dont w@nt to give it to you. :mad::mad:
Peeps is moving away from cash because transactions are easier buy card. Nowt to do wiv gov control. Yer card allows you to carry a lot of spending power wiv ya, but offers the safety ov noravvin the cash on yer. Saves yer having to go to the cash point anorl.
Yes. Pay by card and the waitress/hairdresser already on low wages has ALL their income seen by the government.
I pay people who give me a "service" in cash as often as I can. I am not an HMRC agent or tax collector.
When w@s the l@st time @ny you lot tried to t@ke @ few gr@nd out the b@nk ffs wot @ pit@
they dont w@nt to give it to you. :mad::mad:
The moment you put it in there it became their money, not yours. Unless you put it in as a "special deposit".
Try drawing £5001 and its a ruddy inquisition. What are you spending it on? Why are you withdrawing this money?
When w@s the l@st time @ny you lot tried to t@ke @ few gr@nd out the b@nk ffs wot @ pit@
they dont w@nt to give it to you. :mad::mad:
Banks are cautious when handing out a lorra sovs. My bank asks yer to tell them in advance if yer want to withdraw a large amount. They put yer oft doing so anorl. Other options are available like direct transfer. Reduces the risk of being robbed. Also the bank dunt need to keep a lorra sovs in the safe.
The moment you put it in there it became their money, not yours. Unless you put it in as a "special deposit".
Try drawing £5001 and its a ruddy inquisition. What are you spending it on? Why are you withdrawing this money?

yer got @ll th@t n more....do you owe money to someone, is there someone w@iting outside for money
oh n my sign@ture doesnt m@tch the one we h@ve on file, yer c@use i signed it when i opened the
@ccount 30 ye@rs @go :mad::mad::mad:
Yes. Pay by card and the waitress/hairdresser already on low wages has ALL their income seen by the government.
I pay people who give me a "service" in cash as often as I can. I am not an HMRC agent or tax collector.
It mite be a surprise but yer supposed to tell the tax man about yer earnings. Yer then py tax onnit if yer earn enuff. Tax is spent on all the fings we enjoy like having a police force, fire service, national elf, state pension, trains, preservation ov trees etc. Peeps like builderers want cash because they want to avoid tax. Hotels and restaurants use a service charge. Yer hair salon could do the same fing.
The moment you put it in there it became their money, not yours. Unless you put it in as a "special deposit".
Try drawing £5001 and its a ruddy inquisition. What are you spending it on? Why are you withdrawing this money?
Yer deposit the money for thems to look after. It ain't theirs. They're just being cautious about giving it out to the wrong person. If they gerrit wrong them they have to pay the loss.

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