Morning you lot w@s frosty here :cool: going to look @t @ wee c@mper v@n project non runner
to see if I c@n fix it n m@ke @ few quid. :) tis @n older toyot@ hi@ce fing n the ch@p h@s
put the jump le@ds on the wrong w@y, now wont power up, might be simple or not o_O :)

suns oot :cool::cool: spring is on the w@y :D:D
Afternoon folks:).

well woke this am, which is always a bonus;). it was sort of trying to snow last night, today we woke to about 100mm of the white stuff (thats about 4inches for the oldies;)) it has mostly just been blown around today but still mostly here and the same promised tonight, lets see.
But as its the first real snow we have had this year we are not complaining. So have mostly been sat in the warm and feeding sticks into the heating provider;).
I haven't made my yearly snowman yet, maybe tomorrow I will be brave enough to spend a couple of minutes outside;).

It took talking to 3 different peeps to discover we could only with difficulty pay it wiv a credit card.
So in the end we gave up and W paid it via telephone banking.

They dont make money if peeps pay credit with credit;). Those that could (read all the scumbags) would just get a couple of 10k credit cards then just do credit card ping pong.

Haven't had a credit card for years (some would believe I cant be trusted:eek:) But must say early days was hard as some wouldn't accept debit cardso_O.
But not the case now, and along with a wallet full of cash a debit card gets me through. Also suits me as the balance is what you have:).

Plus we cant be bothered with saying "well spend it on credit and we save money with the interest we get" really:rolleyes:.


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