Compared to June the price of oil has gone right down. I hope it won't be as painfull. Do you have a wee oil coop in your community. See if you can get together and get a trade account and order oil and get it a bit cheaper.
Not if you live where I do! Only three of us own our own homes - one is still renovating the chapel, one has gas and I'm oil, the other eight are owned by the same 'not very poor' farming family and use a biomass boiler system.
my wee bro w@s @sked to go to his works night out he told the l@ds i dont like working with yous
why the fk would i go drinking with yezz. :D

yer better in the hoose in the w@rm :) you dont h@ve @ll the cr@p @t the end of the night
peeps were s@ying its @ nightm@re getting t@xis home. o_O
One works Xmas do, i never went for all the reasons mentioned above.
Regretted it later though, as all my work mates told me how a really hot secretary kept coming up to them asking when I was coming!
She worked for a really sh!te boss and then went off with shingles, never came back.:D:D:D
Still, it kpet me faithful!;)
I have the sickness bug… been trying to get rid of it since Monday. Mrs also has it so that means a quiet Christmas at home.
We have put a the celebrations back a few weeks.(other extended family are sick as well)

Now to find some food for the next few days off. Have asked the mrs if she will cope with a Christmas with me at home…. So far this is number 3 in 30 years
Will break off from my perusal of all the weeks posts I've missed to simply say, whata sh!t and i hope things are better for you both now.:(:(:(
Theres lo@ds of stell@ :D
No there feckin ain't!! Lager? no chance!!!:D:D:D
God ain't there a load of posts on here when you go away for a week?
Still, had a great time! the weather amazingly was good every day until the day we had to drive from where we were, near Ingleton, to Hull then back home. Feckin rain most of the time and motorways closed all over the place, or just jammed up wiv Lunduners going home. (See M40 on which we only wanted to do 1 section, A 43 to A34.)
So, food good, presssies nice, couldn't plug the Humax box into the aerial as it had the wrong end fitting on it, so just watched what was on or the tons of stuff already recorded.
It rained at night and the Disco let rather a lot of rain in from the front of the sunroof so had to put a bin liner and washleather over the electric stuff we connect to the cigar lighter.
W did a magnificent job mapreading with a torch to get us round the traffic jams and off the M ways.
Gawd my bruv has changed over the past 30 years. But seemed remarkably chipper considering the bits of his bod that are missing. His doc tells him he is clear of cancer so he's chuffed as you'd expect. Just hope it lasts.
And did the Disco break down?
Weeeeeeeeeeell.....yes and no. Driving back to the cottage on the first day there there was a sort of pop then a lacking in power. No smoke, no steam, no rise in temp. I told W I thought it was an intercooler /turbo pipe had popped.
Twas interesting driving, on the flat it was OK, but coming out of Ingleton towards Hawes there is a good steep incline and it really crawled up it. But it made it back so I could pop the bonnet and have a look-see.
Sure enough the new silicone hose had decided to pop one of the ends off.
Searched in my stuff until I found a pack of jubilee clips and there was one that would replace the missing one. Fixed the following morn, (bettern I'd done it the first time;)) and off we went!
So didn't spoil the hol one bit.
Went to the west coast for once. Morecambe bay etc.
The Tan Hill Inn was pretty crowded even though we avoided the days closer to Christmas.
Saw snow, ice, wind, hail, and rain, of course, but nothing to bother us. Lots of flooding though.
I'll look through my pics later and put up any that may be of general interest.
Sleep tite folks and I hope you all had a Happy Christmas, you seem to have, mostly.:):):):)
One funny thing that happened while we were away.
The cottage came with a dishwasher, which isn't often the case.
W loaded and put it on once but this DW has a button marked "tabs" and we got it wrong, pressing the button at the wrong time. (No manual) so I fished the tab out and the next time I managed to get it to release on time, then she did it again, then the third time I loaded it and looked into the base of the machine to find...........

Two unused tabs.:confused::eek:!!!!!
Turned out the ones that came with the place, you have to actually open the little packet up before putting them in.:rolleyes:
Haven't had to do that for ages.;)
Surprising how well a DW washes even with no detergent! (didn't feckin notice except for the glasses!:rolleyes:)

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