Normally I'd agree but Ive got a gas bill pending.

Yes, I've got an oil 'fill up' looming but, to be fair, it is the first one in almost a year so I can't complain - well I can but I'm not, there are lot more people struggling a lot more than I am.
For some reason I find being chilly from frost better than being chilly from being damp/wet. Being philosophical, I just have to accept what I'm given as I can't do anything to change it. :(
Just had this month's leccy bill - £38.12p - gov. paid the remainder. :)
Don't fret the oil bill will arrive mid January and that will be a 'little' higher.:(
Compared to June the price of oil has gone right down. I hope it won't be as painfull. Do you have a wee oil coop in your community. See if you can get together and get a trade account and order oil and get it a bit cheaper.
Guid morm
Would agree with Derwendolly prefer the cold crisp Winter days rather than this dreech wet weather.
Gym's open so will go and do a couple of hours and shift some of the eating excess of the past few days.
And Ill bet its warmer than the hoose !
I read once that you have to run for about 10 miles to burn off the calorific equivelant to a mars bar. The gym seemed pointless after I learnt that cos there arent enough hours in the day.

Will it ever stop raining? I went into England .... and it poured down, I came back to Wales and it is still pouring down.
Please can someone instruct Him how to operate the OFF tap.
I hope your weather is better and that everyone can enjoy a happy day.:)

Its been r@ining const@ntly for 3 d@ys here :mad: fkn c@nt get nowt done im going b@ck on the
ship tomorrow i bet it stops r@ining. :rolleyes:

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