Watched the furd season ov the grand tour over the last few days. Was quite upset at the end when they said it was the last show wiv it ending. They did a montage ov some ov the best clips over the years on top gear an d grand tour. Eye was guttid. Very sad. Then they said only the tent bit was ending. The were still going to do the big trips they do around the world. Eye has already found season 4 eppysode 1 on youtoob. So its not sad afterall.
Since we had this convo a week ago or so, W tells me that peeps used to boil their bangers in the old days cos the skins were "animal" to put it politely and boiling made em easier to cook and eat!
Maybe this tradition still carries on although largely no longer needed.

Throw them in with an onion, bacon slices and some tomatoes ...
I got in the Land Rover this morning to discover that the steering wheel was mouldy:

It's amazing how it can build up in just a few days. It doesn't show up clearly in the photo but it was all different colours too. So there's a good deal of steering wheel biodiversity. I've bought a new monitor too. The old one was getting unreliable and seemed to switch itself off and not be willing to come back on. Sometimes it would work, but only when it felt like it. Not sure I like the new one very much because of the way it renders text - it can look very granulated.
I'd show you what I mean, but Landyzone has stopped letting me post pictures. Even using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V doesn't work any more.

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