Morning All :D
We have slept in today. :)
I am having some issues with my neck again. 2 days running I have woken up to find I cannot lift my head from the pillow or turn my head left without a huge stab of pain. :(
No idea what that is all about (other than all the damage I did in 2017). :(
I remarked to herself that I have noticed that my writing has gone all "spidery" and I wonder if this neck damage and numb-arms is also affecting my fine-motor control skills.
Maybe I should ask the Dr. (Ha-Ha!)
Have a good day. :D
Oh Dear. That doesn't sound good.:(:(:(
Best of luck with it all and let's hope the chiro can sort it out.;)
Morning All :D
We have slept in today. :)
I am having some issues with my neck again. 2 days running I have woken up to find I cannot lift my head from the pillow or turn my head left without a huge stab of pain. :(
No idea what that is all about (other than all the damage I did in 2017). :(
I remarked to herself that I have noticed that my writing has gone all "spidery" and I wonder if this neck damage and numb-arms is also affecting my fine-motor control skills.
Maybe I should ask the Dr. (Ha-Ha!)
Have a good day. :D
After a bad smash pocket sprung pillow helps alot.
Just cooked some spuds. Bin months since we had thems. Not bovverin to poke a knife in them. Eye chop em in arf instead. Speeds up cooking and less chance ov stabbing meself.

Small amount ov rain last nite. Enuff to feed the moss on the garage roof only. Has started and stopped several times int last arf hour. Each time only to pebble dash the floor then stop. Wind has bin blowing all day. Dried me washing quick. Uvva than that eye has done nuffink today.

I've been following him and some others on youtoob fer some years. He has a court injunction against him doing things like this in england. Normally it would be civil o'fence of trespass but the injuction means breach of court order which in arestable. He knows he'll get locked up fer this. He takes some crazy risks.

If yer look on this chaps instagram stories yer can see their drone footage of the climb. Only there for 24 hours. Small clips.
Just cooked some spuds. Bin months since we had thems. Not bovverin to poke a knife in them. Eye chop em in arf instead. Speeds up cooking and less chance ov stabbing meself.

Small amount ov rain last nite. Enuff to feed the moss on the garage roof only. Has started and stopped several times int last arf hour. Each time only to pebble dash the floor then stop. Wind has bin blowing all day. Dried me washing quick. Uvva than that eye has done nuffink today.
Could you not make the toilet in time?:D
How can it be trespass if it's publicly accessible?
Its a commercial owned building so they have a say in who goes in, or onnit. He went up onnit wivvoot permission.

They often climb tower craines or travel through a building to get to the top to take pic's. One of them sometimes base jumps. They have no permission to be there so its trespass which is civil so norra police matter.

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