Its a commercial owned building so they have a say in who goes in, or onnit. He went up onnit wivvoot permission.

They often climb tower craines or travel through a building to get to the top to take pic's. One of them sometimes base jumps. They have no permission to be there so its trespass which is civil so norra police matter.
I have never thought ah lets climb up a big height.
Someone mentioned a digital sundial ...


found it ...
Just cooked some spuds. Bin months since we had thems. Not bovverin to poke a knife in them. Eye chop em in arf instead. Speeds up cooking and less chance ov stabbing meself.

Small amount ov rain last nite. Enuff to feed the moss on the garage roof only. Has started and stopped several times int last arf hour. Each time only to pebble dash the floor then stop. Wind has bin blowing all day. Dried me washing quick. Uvva than that eye has done nuffink today.

Do you normally stab yersell when eating :eek:
no sympathy for them, yu crash and haven't worn the right gear you should pay for your hospital treatments. so so many times I've had the leather trousers scene from friends, I do like my skin too. :)

There is a reason my sons hospital call motor scooters, ankle slicers ...

But if you're waiting for a transplant the hot summer has meant a longer wait, the surgeons have been known to look out of the window and because it's raining say, "not long now" ... greasy roads are a bugger for motorcycles ...
no sympathy for them, yu crash and haven't worn the right gear you should pay for your hospital treatments. so so many times I've had the leather trousers scene from friends, I do like my skin too. :)

I know a local lad who came off his bike last year on the Lochgilphead road came off over 100
hes a mess not much left of his shoulder & forearm when sliding down the tarmac, he broke his
neck & back, the docs said his back pack saved him no more riding for him.

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