Currently filled oft half the garage roof. The uvva half has tree's leaning over it so there's more moss un leefs un muck. Me cassul roof issa bout 6 years old so still very clean.
I'd do it and if you want more watta just connect other butts to the first one. Ours had a lid on it to prevent stuff falling in it and TBH the watter was never dirty. The tap not being right at the bottom helped with that.
We has been conserving water.
Do you realise how much goes down the sink while the boiler kicks in? Have been putting a large lan under the tap till it runs hot. This is then used for cooking or watering the plants.
Only if you has a demand boiler, (hate the fecking things would never have one, keeping our old one till it expires.) But if you have to run the tap for hot watter anyways, which I spose we do, then the pan idea is a good un.
Afternoon folks:).

Well we were up late today so didnt get to start early outside:(, So we just designated it a day off (cos we can) then we dont feel so bad for doing nothing:D.

Waiting for the sun to go over and may go out and do what I wanted to do this morning, its a couple of hours work and it would then mean I can do tomorrow what was planned:). May need to think about that over a beer:D.

Sorry for not telling the bird flavour last night, I forgot;).

So anyway, pic of an adult male:) from a few years ago with a proper camera not the phone.
Males are easy to spot but the females only show the colour when flying.


So the name is;).

Just about to go and break it the neighbour that no, he can't, or rather we won't let him, connect into our drainage pipe.
As it's right next to the electric conduit and I can't imagine the hoo-haa if a drain split at the new joint, insurance wise if nothing else.
Especially as he just got a "new toy", a digger and we suspect he'd do most of the work himself.
Have a nice day folks!
Just about to go and break it the neighbour that no, he can't, or rather we won't let him, connect into our drainage pipe.
As it's right next to the electric conduit and I can't imagine the hoo-haa if a drain split at the new joint, insurance wise if nothing else.
Especially as he just got a "new toy", a digger and we suspect he'd do most of the work himself.
Have a nice day folks!

Probably a wise move to stay away from further dispute's. Sharing services/accesses can cause problems for future sales in my mind;)

If he has a "toy" he can dig his own with ease:).

How did it work out:) Or is it still "drying". I am not a lover of salt Shirley there's another way of drying, Sun?:D.


Ohhhh it was outstanding :):):) Sun = flys :eek: I hardly ever put salt on anything but its only to
draw out the moisture then brushed off tis amazing how much it draws out.
Bit of pepper & olive oil then sprinkled with brown sugar lurvly jurbly :D:D

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