We has been conserving water.
Do you realise how much goes down the sink while the boiler kicks in? Have been putting a large lan under the tap till it runs hot. This is then used for cooking or watering the plants.

Do you know how much water you waste when you flush yer bog now if you lot stop flushing
millions of gallons away there wouldnt be a water shortage. o_O
Thats not golden o_O

Ere yar
Do you know how much water you waste when you flush yer bog now if you lot stop flushing
millions of gallons away there wouldnt be a water shortage. o_O
Remember when they asked you to put a bag in your cistern? Wasn't it called a Hippo bag or summat?
Yup it WAS!
So if "us lot" stop flushing, I suppose we'll have to go out in the garden and wee on the weeds, (which actually is quite efficient!)
Gazundas/po s anyone?
We have those double flush jobbies on our loos but they don't work very well. Better to have a button you hold down till it's all gone then you can stop it by letting go. That would sure economise!
Probably a wise move to stay away from further dispute's. Sharing services/accesses can cause problems for future sales in my mind;)

If he has a "toy" he can dig his own with ease:).

Yerp well......
The plot bloody thickens.
I went round last night to talk to him, (he had already bought "all" the pipe. (More on the "all" later!).
The problem is worse than I thought because in order for him to get to the main drain he has to dig a trench across his neighbours land, just the bottom of it.
Now I have a legal "servitude" across both his and his neighbours land so that I can go and deal with any problems with my electricity supply and the drain. As the farmer who sold all the land, he had to "viabilise" his plot, which means ensure all services were either there or easily connected, so he did that so the town hall should know about the connection to the main drain for him.
But she (the neighbour) says he hasn't and she won't let him "touch" her land. (She is a fairly recent widow, she and her husband bought the land not long after we bought ours he then died in a motorbike crash. She has a daughter from a previous marriage and other kids, she and the oldest daughter are in a dispute about what to do with the land, one wants to sell tother doesn't.)
So he basically has to either connect in with ours or do a normal septic tank with outfall.
BUT there is a big spring which comes to the surface at the bottom of his land and his plot slopes quite a bit, plus, the twit, wants a "nature pool" (is that what you call it?) and he doesn't want to be floating in treated sewage!
But I stuck to my guns mentioning both the insurance point of view and the fact that to sell you need a "certificat d'assainissement" ( a waste water certificate proving your drains are OK).
So he is now going to try and get all the parties together for a big meeting. But it is hilarious how useless the "notaires", the water companies and the town hall are! (well not funny for him)
He's in a rush (of course) as he knws we'll be leaving just after he and his mrs come back from their other place in the Azores.
He keeps saying he's skint yet said he "wanted to buy the neighbour's plot". 2000 sq metres at at least €22 per sq mtr?
I know this is just 1st world problems but thought the plot would amuse!:)
Oh and the "all". Well we went to look at the pipes he'd just bought, they had holes cut across most of them, they are in fact pipes for a French drain , which the French simply call a "drain" of course!!!!! (Yet another use of an English word.:rolleyes:) Only a few were to connect his, as yet non-existent, septic tank to any drain and he admitted he wanted more but although they were "available" on tinternet, when he got there they didn't have all he wanted in stock!:D:D:D:D
Have a good day folks!:):):)
If it's yellow let it mellow
If it's brown send it down!
And as we said back in '76.
"Save water, take a bath with a friend".
Number of people who ran a hose down through the bathroom window to the ground to water their stuff with the bath water!
Not sure I'd want to start the syphon though!
Also couldn't wash my company car! (Such a problem, I never washed the fecker anyway!:rolleyes::D)

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