Remember when they asked you to put a bag in your cistern? Wasn't it called a Hippo bag or summat?
Yup it WAS!,online_chips:water+hippo:dw5cxg3NffQ=&usg=AI4_-kQ3lo444yrZHWPUUznkcGwKd1VKkA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkpJuI6Lv5AhXNhc4BHf8FCrMQgIoDKAJ6BAgQEBc&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1
So if "us lot" stop flushing, I suppose we'll have to go out in the garden and wee on the weeds, (which actually is quite efficient!)
Gazundas/po s anyone?
We have those double flush jobbies on our loos but they don't work very well. Better to have a button you hold down till it's all gone then you can stop it by letting go. That would sure economise!

Hippo in a bag he'll be well chuffed :D:D
Been to the bank this morning to deposit a load of cash from a recent bike sale. The bank wimmins said to use the deposit machine as it would be quicker than the counter. It wasn't. It took several goes to get most of the cash in, then it spat some out and kept some of it and screen said broken get help. SO the bank wimmins had to get the keys and pull the guts of the machine out to get me money back and finished the job at the counter. A machine that eats all yer sovs and then breaks down, guess they bought it from Land Rover :rolleyes:.
Been to the bank this morning to deposit a load of cash from a recent bike sale. The bank wimmins said to use the deposit machine as it would be quicker than the counter. It wasn't. It took several goes to get most of the cash in, then it spat some out and kept some of it and screen said broken get help. SO the bank wimmins had to get the keys and pull the guts of the machine out to get me money back and finished the job at the counter. A machine that eats all yer sovs and then breaks down, guess they bought it from Land Rover :rolleyes:.
Bloody hot here.
And there I am sweeping up the excess jointing sand etc from around the pool after trimming the overhanging Pampas grass (and brambles), which is fecking gardening which Stan is NOT supposed to do,:mad::mad::mad:.
So, as it's so fine it takes ages, gone through 3 bandannas already, Still got the widest side and the bottom end to do.
Can't use a hose.....
The 48 hours the last lot of stuff takes to set ain't up yet!
Then I have the pool to clean and the house to straighten up, with W's help, before the major shopping expedition tomoz then a pool party and barbie on Friday.
One way to celebrate all the work done on it!!
Have a lovely day folks!:):):)
Afternoon folks:).

Well did a few hours this morning before the sun got to my workspace and was cool, its ott here again now waiting for the sun to go over so I can go back out and do a couple more hours outside:).
Have plenty to do when the suns high, Like swimming with the shark:D.

AKA ginger ppe

One ginng in the boat yard with ppe....

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