Operation cool cassul as startid. Gorrup late to do it. Will set an alarm morra as the air is cooler at 3am. Doors un windas open while its cooler ootside. Only one wosp come in so far. Will close all doors un windas when inside temp is near ootside. Me cassul got to 26.3 degrees c yesdi so it wukked well. Curtain drawed ont sun side. Baff room door shut laters when sun pops over assit it int gorra curtain. Eye shut the doors downstairs after so they dunt pass their heat from the sun into the hall, which would allow it to float upstairs. Coolist place is the hall downstairs if temps get too hi morra.
Has been a week full if surprises. Ordered meself some nu i's. Started a 230 sovs for the frames. Then yer after add on lensis. Then they start pushing up the price. Gorra pay extra for anti glare coating. More if yer want lensis yer can see frew. More if yer want em to fit. Extra for all sorts. Came to 500 sovs in the end. That includid the test at 25 sovs. Does we fink that is too hi ferra nu set of perscriotiin i's or about right?
Has been a week full if surprises. Ordered meself some nu i's. Started a 230 sovs for the frames. Then yer after add on lensis. Then they start pushing up the price. Gorra pay extra for anti glare coating. More if yer want lensis yer can see frew. More if yer want em to fit. Extra for all sorts. Came to 500 sovs in the end. That includid the test at 25 sovs. Does we fink that is too hi ferra nu set of perscriotiin i's or about right?

Try Glasses Direct and some other on-line companies first ... Goggles4U, select specs ...
Went to omebase on fryday fer some root powder. They gorra sale on so eye got some mirical grow weed killer un lawn feed. 17 sovs down to 9. Found a pooly blueberry plant fer 3.35 sovs. Was 9 so gorrit for edgar to talk to. Was looking at the burd feeders again as they be discounted anorl but they dint av the one eye wantid. Near closing time so had ter give up.

Went to edgars omebase yesdi assits biggrrer than mine. Got me burd feeder. Was 17 sovs but now arf price.


Seeds wur on offer anorl. 1 sov per packet so eye gottid 5. Carruts, leaks and 3 flowers. Found meself a shrub that was 30 sovs. Discountid to 15 then 11 then 7 so eye gorrit. Leefs burnt round the edges burrit looks ok. Viburum killermanjaro. 2 foot tall so far. Givvit a drink of miracul grow plant food to fix it. Poor fing. Was lookin at uvva plants but they make it ard wuk for little ippo's by not saying iffits a perenial or not so eye has ter keep lookin ont web to see.
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Has been a week full if surprises. Ordered meself some nu i's. Started a 230 sovs for the frames. Then yer after add on lensis. Then they start pushing up the price. Gorra pay extra for anti glare coating. More if yer want lensis yer can see frew. More if yer want em to fit. Extra for all sorts. Came to 500 sovs in the end. That includid the test at 25 sovs. Does we fink that is too hi ferra nu set of perscriotiin i's or about right?
You're lucky, it could be much higher! My lenses are 'thinned' and they cost a lot more. :(
Gday all.
Been gettin up very early to work on jointing around the pool before the sun hits. then somehow the rest of the day just slips by as we have a late lunch, then doze off.
Not workin today as it is Sunday.

Bizarrely looks like next Sunday will be the hottest afore it cools right down. Well below 30 anyway!
Have a nice day peeps.
Has been a week full if surprises. Ordered meself some nu i's. Started a 230 sovs for the frames. Then yer after add on lensis. Then they start pushing up the price. Gorra pay extra for anti glare coating. More if yer want lensis yer can see frew. More if yer want em to fit. Extra for all sorts. Came to 500 sovs in the end. That includid the test at 25 sovs. Does we fink that is too hi ferra nu set of perscriotiin i's or about right?
I gets me prescription and interweb it to glasses direct. The optician wanted 900 sovs for a pair of varifocals. 700 sovs for a cheaper pair. GD did them for about 70 sovs. And they is the best pair of goggles I ever hooked over me lugs. Got a pair of reading glasses and two pairs of computer reading glasses, about 100 sovs all in. I never gets me goggles from the high street, they are a rip off. And I qualify for free eye tests n descriptions cos I is an old git :D

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