Got an early start on the tratter's rear cross member mudflap brackets. Turned out that the seized up bolts through the brackets and into the cross member, were threaded into steel inserts not unlike rivnuts, with are located in hexagon shaped holes in the underside of the cross member. They punched out easy enough. Next stage will be to drill the hexagons into rounds to accept new rivnuts (as predicted by @landowner ). The cross member is super solid, thanks to an application of wax a few years ago. Just the end bits above the mudflats needed a flush out with a drain jetter, and should dry out nicely with this odd spell of hot weather wot we have got. Progress has been made------:)
Got an early start on the tratter's rear cross member mudflap brackets. Turned out that the seized up bolts through the brackets and into the cross member, were threaded into steel inserts not unlike rivnuts, with are located in hexagon shaped holes in the underside of the cross member. They punched out easy enough. Next stage will be to drill the hexagons into rounds to accept new rivnuts (as predicted by @landowner ). The cross member is super solid, thanks to an application of wax a few years ago. Just the end bits above the mudflats needed a flush out with a drain jetter, and should dry out nicely with this odd spell of hot weather wot we have got. Progress has been made------:)
Wot wax did yer use?
Gorrup about 4:30 to open the doors to let cooler air in. Then closed all doors un windas after a bit. Living room only gorrup to 25.5 then the sun went over. Ses its now 30 ootside. Upstairs is 26. Kitchen and dining room will heat up next as the sun comes over. Currently 24.5 and 23.5. I has just run a cold watta only baff. Leaving it to heat up from cassul heat fer laters. Curtains closed on the sun side.
Wot wax did yer use?
Good 'ole waxoyl. I know some peeps slag it off, but old habits die hard. Only used it on the insides of the chassis and cross members, outside has never been touched since it left Solihull. Just coming up to its tenth birthday and every part of the chassis is sound and corrosion free. Except for a little surface rust here n there which will wire brush by hand quite easily.
Seeing as it is now 29 degs C in the coolest part of the house we have come in for a break. And to feed the dogs. We have to put their tinned meat in the fridge at the mo, and ice in their water bowls.
Bin friggin around with yet more slabs today, think I've finally done the last one, so it is back to finishing off the jointing.
Had to redo some I did first as hadn't got the amount of watter to add right.:mad::mad::mad:
The instructions tell you to be careful not to add too much I have yet to do that. :( But I was a lot lighter on it for the first 18 slabs or so.:rolleyes:
Off to the Marché des Producteurs tonite, so no cooking!:):)
Enjoy yourselves fellow LZers!:):):)
Got an early start on the tratter's rear cross member mudflap brackets. Turned out that the seized up bolts through the brackets and into the cross member, were threaded into steel inserts not unlike rivnuts, with are located in hexagon shaped holes in the underside of the cross member. They punched out easy enough. Next stage will be to drill the hexagons into rounds to accept new rivnuts (as predicted by @landowner ). The cross member is super solid, thanks to an application of wax a few years ago. Just the end bits above the mudflats needed a flush out with a drain jetter, and should dry out nicely with this odd spell of hot weather wot we have got. Progress has been made------:)

Don't forget to re-wax too ...

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