Evenin orl. Us boys bin idle on parade lately an offerin a pollogees tu us frens.
Laife as bin bizzy doan yer an tu cap it orl Missiz Devonguy as fetched erself anuvva puppy. Be labrador this taime. Be engagin wee gurl but ard wurk. Puppyprufin uv gardin commences tumorra tugevva wiv photography uv nu draft.
Quaite possible Hippocrates will av tu retire. 6 dugs wuz a skweeze int boot but 7 wud be outside uv possible. Will be a zad day.
Diesel was only £1.83.9 lire at the BP station in Abergavenny today - only one problem, the queue was almost 189.9 miles long and the ensuing jam was unbelievable - cops? nowhere to be seen. :rolleyes::D:D:D
Cops no longer manage traffic or uphold the law "minute-by-minute" they are now just a revenue collection agency mainly interested in low-hanging fruit.
Ask them to do something difficult like stop "ethnic" predatory grooming gangs and they seem to fizzle out and lose steam. ;)
Cops no longer manage traffic or uphold the law "minute-by-minute" they are now just a revenue collection agency mainly interested in low-hanging fruit.
Ask them to do something difficult like stop "ethnic" predatory grooming gangs and they seem to fizzle out and lose steam. ;)
I did a child safeguarding course this week, the information i learned re the Telford gang was quite disturbing
Done some gardening & pond work.
Suns coming out so that’s it for me
Same here though it's not too hot yet
I'm off to a little place called Port William near Stranraer tomorrow, temp is said to be 72 and sunny on Tuesday while it's going to be 97 here so I know where I'd rather be. Looking forward to fish and chips and a nice sea breeze for a few days while the rest of the country fries :D
The rear cross member on me tratter is looking a bit scruffy so (as I planned many years ago) it is getting a rub down and a fresh coat of paint. So took the tow bar and step off this morning, then set about removing the tiny bolts which hold the mud flap brackets on (got some noo shiny stainless brackets :cool:). Captive bolts, first one snapped so moved to the opposite side and ---- snap. Gonna have to drill them out and re-tap all six of them. But all my taps n dies are imperial, don't got no metric. Looks like a trip to scroofix or similar for some suitable drill bits n taps. :rolleyes:
The rear cross member on me tratter is looking a bit scruffy so (as I planned many years ago) it is getting a rub down and a fresh coat of paint. So took the tow bar and step off this morning, then set about removing the tiny bolts which hold the mud flap brackets on (got some noo shiny stainless brackets :cool:). Captive bolts, first one snapped so moved to the opposite side and ---- snap. Gonna have to drill them out and re-tap all six of them. But all my taps n dies are imperial, don't got no metric. Looks like a trip to scroofix or similar for some suitable drill bits n taps. :rolleyes:

I used rivnuts but no use if you are a rivit counter :)
I used rivnuts but no use if you are a rivit counter :)
That's on the back burner in case the re-drill n tap fails. I've got loads of rivnuts :). But - WOOHOO I just found an M6 x 1 tap in me tool box. The only metric tap in my possession. And its a proper top quality one, must have "found" it on a good job some time in the distant past :D. Just need to go and buy a quality tapping size drill, then I can proceed to bu66er the job up and start rivnutting.
The rear cross member on me tratter is looking a bit scruffy so (as I planned many years ago) it is getting a rub down and a fresh coat of paint. So took the tow bar and step off this morning, then set about removing the tiny bolts which hold the mud flap brackets on (got some noo shiny stainless brackets :cool:). Captive bolts, first one snapped so moved to the opposite side and ---- snap. Gonna have to drill them out and re-tap all six of them. But all my taps n dies are imperial, don't got no metric. Looks like a trip to scroofix or similar for some suitable drill bits n taps. :rolleyes:

That's on the back burner in case the re-drill n tap fails. I've got loads of rivnuts :). But - WOOHOO I just found an M6 x 1 tap in me tool box. The only metric tap in my possession. And its a proper top quality one, must have "found" it on a good job some time in the distant past :D. Just need to go and buy a quality tapping size drill, then I can proceed to bu66er the job up and start rivnutting.

So why not drill and retap imperial?

You could bugger that up without having to buy anything:).

But I suppose you already have some nice shiny stainless bolts too;).


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