Do you ever turn a light on;)
Our leccy is in the 1000s KWH:eek:

View attachment 255207

But on the up side the pool is great and the bills so far amount to less than a fiver:D:D:D.

Gas heating and hot water. Everyfink else is electric including the oven. Can't be bothered to wait for it to warm up. Eye nuke most fings in the mircowave. Heating only heats the rads in the rooms that require heat. Got one of them clever systems that monitors the temp in different rooms. Can set each room to different temps at different times of the day anorl.
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Happi Fridi cum Crispmus Eve peeps. :)
Up an at em, soon as it's light swmbo will empty the house into the back of the Tratter an were oft!
I was really hoping for some proper weather, i.e. Cold an snowy, but is gonna be warm an wet (don't start Stan). Still gots lovely woods to walk in an loads of luvli grub.

Have a lovely day :D
Happi Fridi cum Crispmus Eve peeps. :)
Up an at em, soon as it's light swmbo will empty the house into the back of the Tratter an were oft!
I was really hoping for some proper weather, i.e. Cold an snowy, but is gonna be warm an wet (don't start Stan). Still gots lovely woods to walk in an loads of luvli grub.

Have a lovely day :D

Merry Christmas, 'ave a lovely time.
Us boys be tu Scotlandshire fur the Christmas. Us cummup yer yezdy in Hippocrates (bestest 4x4 int hole whirl evva) half a fouzan miles int ate ant arf hours wiv a dog 'n' weasel stop at Teabag zervisses. Us be yer wiv in-laws an opin fur a quiet taime wiv onlee normal arguments. Av opened the Foxes biscuits orlreddy an be spectin "Stagecoach" not telly sarfternune. Onlee drubble wiv Scotlandshire be us carnt unnerstan'em talkin. Be vunny talk em du but us conzider it be down tu pore eddicashun.
Us boys be tu Scotlandshire fur the Christmas. Us cummup yer yezdy in Hippocrates (bestest 4x4 int hole whirl evva) half a fouzan miles int ate ant arf hours wiv a dog 'n' weasel stop at Teabag zervisses. Us be yer wiv in-laws an opin fur a quiet taime wiv onlee normal arguments. Av opened the Foxes biscuits orlreddy an be spectin "Stagecoach" not telly sarfternune. Onlee drubble wiv Scotlandshire be us carnt unnerstan'em talkin. Be vunny talk em du but us conzider it be down tu pore eddicashun.
an ware aboot n Bonnie Scotland ur yeah gaun tae ?

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