Eye wonder if that was a short cut and they want yer to stick to the main roads so yer dun't block up the local roads?
We couldn't work out what they were on about. We used the map to try and see if we could get to where we were going by following what they were asking and could not. We were still on A roads and they were not noticeably thronged. But we did go past one turning TomTom told us to take, which may have been the one they were on about. But even after that turning the signs were still there!
All good fun!
Evening folks:).

Been busy:).

Made a last minute dash to the local shop (got to support local:)) for some beer and a few other little things, was devastated as 1 of the bottles fell out of 1 of the six packs as I took them out of the mud ball and started spirting all over. Managed to save enough to fill a pint glass:D.

Hope everybody is sorted cos parrently something is going on and the shops maybe closed for a day:eek: so best make sure you got everything tomorrow:).

Me year int review:
465 kWh lectric
9116 kWh gas
358 sovs so far this year for energy
173 sovs service charge for da cable and pipe for 365 days

Do you ever turn a light on;)
Our leccy is in the 1000s KWH:eek:


But on the up side the pool is great and the bills so far amount to less than a fiver:D:D:D.


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