Well, down in Cornywall the natives are being friendly! Went to Coverack and a few other coves and creeks afore the Seal sanctuary at Gweek.
Can't get a proper Cornish pasty though☹️. They "don't make them in the holidays"☹️☹️☹️.
Confession to make. For the first time ever I haven't got Wifey a Crispmus card.
It is a standing joke between us that I always leave it to the last minute. But being in a place we haven't been to before combined with only having one day before Crispmus day, it slipped my mind until just now.
Big "Ooops!
Hope you all have a lovely day tomoz!!!

Merry Christmas from me and William. Hope you've been good boys and girls and Santa brings you lots of nice presents. Personally I've got a car on the drive that I've wanted since I was a nipper, both my lads have come home and we're visiting my parents tomorrow. Sometimes life can't get any better.

Enjoy your day, best wishes Rob
Bloody hell I gots a signal!

Merry Christmas everyone. :)

Felicitations, peace, goodwill and all that to all the luvli peeps on ere.

Extra special wishes to those as who is disadvantaged at this time of year, such as them as has to drive Jips a Nippos.:p

Joy to the world, ave a smashing time folks. Here's to a nappi a nelfy 22 :D

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