Eye'm finking of putting a fan int ceiling sucking hot air from the bedrooms into the loft. Automated by temp demand. Filters to stop dust int loft falling down.

Eye also like the idea of comparing oat side temp to upstairs. When it's greater than say 4 degrees hotter int side, suck int cooler air from oat side automatically. Filters to stop flys. This would probably activate over night when oat side is cooler. So yer wake up to a cooler castle. Gives it a head start ont being cooler through the day int theory.

All powered by solar panels.
Eye'm finking of putting a fan int ceiling sucking hot air from the bedrooms into the loft. Automated by temp demand. Filters to stop dust int loft falling down.

Eye also like the idea of comparing oat side temp to upstairs. When it's greater than say 4 degrees hotter int side, suck int cooler air from oat side automatically. Filters to stop flys. This would probably activate over night when oat side is cooler. So yer wake up to a cooler castle. Gives it a head start ont being cooler through the day int theory.

All powered by solar panels.

Int that called air-con ?
If your finding it to warm today, have a look at this photo from Canada last year ...

Better ?
So does mine, and I ain't done nuffin yet!
(Clues:, we works every day cept Sunday, but Monday is Farmers market in the evenin so we goes to toon buys our dins and a bot there and eats it in the town square at benches and tables with mates, Thursday is shoppin day, as the market is in toon, and once a month we get to stretch it out all day.)

Exactly :D:D
Evening folks:).

Got up this am and said no its xxxxxday and I dont want to do anyfink (work wise) cos I can:).
Went into the big boy town to get some bits and bobs, got most but some will have to be sourced online and sent:).

Stopped in our local eatery on the way home, a party was in full swing but they like us so snuck us into a corner:D.

Pic from our table.
View attachment 242993

Yep the water wheel does work and powers a saw in the shed, he puts it on for the tourist:).

All this talk about days :confused:.
Tomorrow is Sunday cos that's petrolhead day(at this time of year) I remember to remember that:).
The rest are whatever I want;), Usually a little work, but sometimes its day off time, cos If I want a day off I can:D

Today the car said it was 31-35 outside, summers ere:D. No complaint's here.


Where's the pics of the party....

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