Sheer luxury -------
Getting ready for the tin tent travels. I left all the roof and windows wide open in the car and tent overnight in the hope that it will not be too warm to get into.
Enjoy the Sunday sun - if you like it and to all the rest have fun trying to find a coolish spot to relax in. :)
So you, Rin Tin and Rin Tin Tin are all off with the Tin Tent.
Hope you all enjoy a nice game of sardines!!!
Seriously, do have a lovely time!:):):)
Morning All...

@Stanleysteamer , the quarantine should cause no problem at all except I was due to have lunch/supper with a lovely girl called Emma next week [she really is quite lovely...]. The quarantine may put kibosh on this. Au grace de covid neither of us have 'dated' for a long time. I'm thinking we'll run the gauntlet and go to a remote pub in the Landy, dine outside...then apply liberal coating of v8250 charm/humour & discuss latest price of swivel joints, 0.20mm tappet adjustments and pro's & cons of Dixon Bates. All this whilst she falls asleep waiting for the bill to be paid....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D
I "lol" ed at that.

Get stuck in there mate!!!:D:D:D:D:D

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