Was once on a panel interviewing for a French teacher, peripatetic. Asked her in French "What do you do to maintain your level in the langauge?" No answer. Asked her a simpler version "What do you do to ensure you French is still good?" she looks at me and repeats the word "Bon?" at me ("Good?") Then bursts into tears.
Felt bad but what can you do?:(
That sounds lyke me french gcse eggsam. Teacher sed sumfink and eye sed we. Only ah dint cry.
Muvva ippo be wotchin the advurt below. She ses is that fing onnit's nose reel? Eye fink she meens the mop nose. Eye ses does yer fink the dog is reel? She nods er edd.

Is a great ad, an skilfully done. Reminds me of when I'd animate dottirs teddy while we read stories. < sniff >
One thing guaranteed to make my day is a doggy with its head out the car window.
Joie de vivre persinonified :D
Did you do the ..

Stand up, look,

turn around, look

step backwards, look.

bend down ,look.

Kneel down , look.

pass you open hands over the ground. look.

Go to get a spare 13mm spanner, come back and find it sat there on the ground in the open and withing plain view.?


Were you watching me :eek: Not only that I found it lying next to the 17mm I lost earlier o_O
Did you do the ..

Stand up, look,

turn around, look

step backwards, look.

bend down ,look.

Kneel down , look.

pass you open hands over the ground. look.

Go to get a spare 13mm spanner, come back and find it sat there on the ground in the open and withing plain view.?

been there done that, eventually found the lost bit in the neighbours garden :cool:
Is a great ad, an skilfully done. Reminds me of when I'd animate dottirs teddy while we read stories. < sniff >
One thing guaranteed to make my day is a doggy with its head out the car window.
Joie de vivre persinonified :D
Eye lykes the way e lands ont chair.

Eye be worrid when seed dogs wiv their edd oat winda. Eye have seen em jump oat before and the driver not no.
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