And everyone shouts 'amen':p
Ah bin food choppin. Am not bleepin appi.

Fust eys spots er keyche ut 2 sovs down frompt 2.3 un bleeps it un it ses 2.3. Later eye find sumwon un tells em. She luked ut me as if ammer jaff. int she seed an ippo choppin befor. Went ter avva luk un tuk the discownt tikkit oft. Sed ter go ter customer servis un tellem. They sed tell the till peep un they will discownt it. Layer ont eye bleeps it ergen un the price int changed so eye unbleeps it twice un puts it bak. That burd tuk tikkit erway ter eyed there price mistayk.

Layta ont me bleepa stops bleepin. It sed sunfink lyke m wok errur un the lite stayd ont. So eye tayks it bak un the burd gives me ur nuvva won un ses is yours doing it anorl. She transfers me choppin over and eye bleeps oft choppin ergen.

Befor eye gows ter till eye always luk frew me bleepa ter chek fings be rite. Eye gows ter self dowit till un bleeps the screen. The feker dunt wuk. Then eye assa messige ont screen witch eye fergettid worrit wos. Burd erpeers un asks if av bin stopprd fer strip church. Eye dunt no. So she luks un ses yes. Ah dunt no wots she be onnabowt un she reel-eye-sis un tells me. She oft ter gerra nuvva bleepa. Start dowin fings wiv both bleepas un ses she gorra bleep 14 eyetums. So she duz. Woshed ands wiv gel befor dowin it.

She be bleepin un appi wivvit until she piks up me greem fings. They be scourer pads but muvva ippo always calls em green fings. Ses they int bin scanned. Eye know they as becus eye remember seed em when chekkin befor garn ter till aseye call em green fings anorl cos ov muvva ippo. Eye beer creechair ov abbit. Eye gows same root rand chop each wik unles the fekers moov fings. But there int nowt eye can do as me bleepin fing screen is loked un wont display me choppin. Burd ses thar be no way bak. So eye wos stuk.

She then ses eye gorra go frew till won assa full chek. So eye trots darn thar un receiva burd is there wotchin me trot terwards ur all the way. When eye gets there she tells burd on till ter just purrit frew as normul. Eye dint qweston this ut the time burreye regret that now. Eye be wonderin if they no sumfink they dint tell me. Eye dunt no wot the uvva way be if it dint go frew as normul.

Eye wur feddup by now. Droppd me pakd bags ont fing un goroat me choppin. Droppin everyfink that wunt brayk int andfuls. Burd on till sat un sterrd. Assif she int seed an ippo droppin choppin ont fing befor. Goes frew till un cums up ut 69 sovs sumfink. Now eye fort it wur 68 sumfink when chekin meself but went wiv that. Green fings be 1 sov 20. After eye be lukkin ut me reseet un the av charged me twice fer me narnurs. 1 sov 33 twice.

When eye gottid me narnurs eye dunt purrem int lil bag as they beer wayst ovva lil bag. So eye way em un stik the printid laybul ter me trolly. Layta eye stick it ter sumfink int me choppin that be dry un solid. This tyme eye chose me biskits. Eye ulso stuk me oniyuns laybul onnit anorl. She musta scand that buy mistayk. Be strayng not ter no diffrunce between biskit un narnur.

So eye goes bak int chop un ses ter custuma servis un shows em me biskits wiv laybuls onnit un gets er refund ov 1 sov 33. So that mayks it 68 sovs sumfink witch be worreye finkd it shud be. Eye assa luk ergen ut me reseat un me oniyuns be norronnit. It be only when eye be ome eye reeleyes it must be becos they be eyedin int me bag from the ut saynsberrys.

So afta that eye be arf our layt ome un 0.21 sov up becos me oniyuns wos scard. Eye be well noyd eye cant pruv eye wunt nikkin the green fings but next tyme eye be waytin ferrum. Am garn record the screen of me bleepa wiv me fone befor eye gows ter till so eye assa record of me choppin bleepin. If they wonter strip church me ergen eye will ignor em un use ernuvva self service till un scan me choppin meself. If they dunt lyke it eye will leeve wiv me bags fer life un go bak nuvva day after eye as teld em ter oft un eye int choppin wivvem ergen.

One ov me martoes assa bad bit innit anorl.
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Ah bin food choppin. Am not bleepin appi.

Fust eys spots er keyche ut 2 sovs down frompt 2.3 un bleeps it un it ses 2.3. Bastid. Later eye find sumwon un tells em. She luked ut me as if ammer jaff. Ffs int she seed an ippo choppin befor. Went ter avva luk un tuk the discownt tikkit oft. Sed ter go ter customer servis un tellem. They sed tell the till peep un they will discownt it. Layer ont eye bleeps it ergen un the price int changed so eye unbleeps it twice un puts it bak. Bastids. That burd tuk tikkit erway ter eyed there price mistayk.

Layta ont me bleepa stops bleepin. Bastid. It sed sunfink lyke m wok errur un the lite stayd ont. So eye tayks it bak un the burd gives me ur nuvva won un ses is yours doing it anorl. She transfers me choppin over and eye bleeps oft choppin ergen.

Befor eye gows ter till eye always luk frew me bleepa ter chek fings be rite. Eye gows ter self dowit till un bleeps the screen. The feker dunt wuk. Then eye assa messige ont screen witch eye fergettid worrit wos. Burd erpeers un asks if av bin stopprd fer strip church. Eye dunt no. So she luks un ses yes. Ah dunt no wots she be onnabowt un she reel-eye-sis un tells me. She feks oft ter gerra nuvva bleepa. Start dowin fings wiv both bleepas un ses she gorra bleep 14 eyetums. So she duz. Woshed ands wiv gel befor dowin it.

She be bleepin un appi wivvit until she piks up me greem fings. They be scourer pads but muvva ippo always calls em green fings. Ses they int bin scanned. Eye know they as becus eye remember seed em when chekkin befor garn ter till aseye call em green fings anorl cos ov muvva ippo. Eye beer creechair ov abbit. Eye gows same root rand chop each wik unles the fekers moov fings. But there int nowt eye can do as me bleepin fing screen is loked un wont display me choppin. Burd ses thar be no way bak. So eye wos stuk.

She then ses eye gorra go frew till won assa full chek. So eye trots darn thar un receiva burd is there wotchin me trot terwards ur all the way. When eye gets there she tells burd on till ter just purrit frew as normul. Eye dint qweston this ut the time burreye regret that now. Bastids. Eye be wonderin if they no sumfink they dint tell me. Eye dunt no wot the uvva way be if it dint go frew as normul.

Eye wur feddup by now. Droppd me pakd bags ont fing un goroat me choppin. Droppin everyfink that wunt brayk int andfuls. Burd on till sat un sterrd. Assif she int seed an ippo droppin choppin ont fing befor. Goes frew till un cums up ut 69 sovs sumfink. Now eye fort it wur 68 sumfink when chekin meself but went wiv that. Green fings be 1 sov 20. After eye be lukkin ut me reseet un the bastids av charged me twice fer me narnurs. 1 sov 33 twice. Bastids.

When eye gottid me narnurs eye dunt purrem int lil bag as they beer wayst ovva lil bag. So eye way em un stik the printid laybul ter me trolly. Layta eye stick it ter sumfink int me choppin that be dry un solid. This tyme eye chose me biskits. Eye ulso stuk me oniyuns laybul onnit anorl. She musta scand that buy mistayk. Be strayng not ter no diffrunce between biskit un narnur.

So eye goes bak int chop un ses ter custuma servis un shows em me biskits wiv laybuls onnit un gets er refund ov 1 sov 33. So that mayks it 68 sovs sumfink witch be worreye finkd it shud be. Eye assa luk ergen ut me reseat un me oniyuns be norronnit. It be only when eye be ome eye reeleyes it must be becos they be eyedin int me bag from the bastids ut saynsberrys.

So afta that eye be arf our layt ome un 0.21 sov up becos me oniyuns wos scard. Eye be well noyd eye cant pruv eye wunt nikkin the green fings but next tyme eye be waytin ferrum. Am garn record the screen of me bleepa wiv me fone befor eye gows ter till so eye assa record of me choppin bleepin. If they wonter strip church me ergen eye will ignor em un use ernuvva self service till un scan me choppin meself. If they dunt lyke it eye will leeve wiv me bags fer life un go bak nuvva day after eye as teld em ter fek oft un eye int choppin wivvem ergen. Bastids.

One ov me martoes assa bad bit innit anorl. Bastids.
Not your best shopping experience then.:)

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