Morning All :D
I am up extra early today (could sleep no more).
Herself had prepped all the bins for being put out, but has forgotten that after a BH they are a day later :).
Got her a paper. Kettle is about to go on for coffee.
It is a weigh in Wednesday and I am dreading it. The lockdown isn't good for my diet.
I was hoping for 12-10-08 but I probably won't manage that.:(
Never mind, it didn't all go on in just a few weeks so it isn't coming off in just a few either.:D
Yep. Got me wud and seen the open front type bobbins like. But not shor where ter purrit. Inna bush covverd wiv leeves 5 foot oft grand is an option ah gottid. The saym bush assa wuddon fence behynd it and covers it ont won syde. Ah cud nail er nest ter fence wiv bush covverin it.

Eye always fink the open nest type bobbins lyke is open ter prediters. He wud be betterer oft int spare rum. Ah can leef the sink full fer baf tyme. Putta khat flap int winda.
best behind cover because birds prefer to feel protected from predators higher than 5ft if possible,have you got a tally of different birds your getting,the kids made a table for the mrs a few years back for mothers day,the number of birds increases each year,so far this we have 2 robins ,loads of hedge sparrows ,blue tits, great tits,black birds,chaffinch,dunnock,pied wagtails and a wood pecker
best behind cover because birds prefer to feel protected from predators higher than 5ft if possible,have you got a tally of different birds your getting,the kids made a table for the mrs a few years back for mothers day,the number of birds increases each year,so far this we have 2 robins ,loads of hedge sparrows ,blue tits, great tits,black birds,chaffinch,dunnock,pied wagtails and a wood pecker
Haven't gorra table at the moment as we have a lot of pigeons. Floor feeding small amounts at the moment. Eye plan to make a burd house shaped eater to put meal wurms. Will stop the wind blowing them away and keep them available 24/7 for the smaller burds and no pigeons. We dun't have any nests but we have a robin visit, 2 blacks burds and baby and house martins. Some other small ones eye don't know their identity. Occasional crow. Sparrow hawk anorl but that's rare.
Me bobbin hadda qwik visit un churp innis singin tree this afternoon. Ah be pleed ter sea im bak. Befor that he wur singin darn bottum ov gardin.

Seen me bak buds ont gras lookerin fer food yesterday. Bobbin wir abowt anorl. Fownd im int bottum of gardin eye tup int big tree. Tukker pic an e moved ter corna bush afta er bit. Tukker nuvva pic un e disserperd. E wur ont gras. Musta spottid sumfink. Wunt thar long. Oft e went. So fings is gerrin bak ter normul. Int seen em eatid me wurms burreye int bin gerrin tup as eurly as normal. At leest they be thar ferris te.

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