Gid moanin peepuls
Eyeziz trimmint fowliage turdi, swit kanbi froweded int dukspin fert dukspinmens ter takes awah hon Fursdi.
Tsonz art hand shynin brite hand swarm ear, swam gwin orft ferra cuppella daze horrra weak mebbi.
Wera heiffer yerziz, hand worr heiffer yerziz adoinsof, hen joys hit coz uziz haul gerrin holder fasterer van us finks!
Avva guddun hand a onederfilled weak hend
Getting better thanks, not as enjoyable as driving and visiting farms but I get more time off to do stuff. Bit of a weird shift pattern but ultimately I work less than half the year and get paid a decent wage:p
Now that yer the yard monkey... have yer been given yer own yard brush?
Oooo it will be a good night.
May I suggest putting some of these in the fridge in preparation for tomorrows mount vesuvius :eek:

Rather soothing :p
Eye has bortid meself anuvva Henry vacuum frompt Screwfix this tyme as they be £114.99 un they still sell the 9 litre nvr200 int stead of the nvr160 6 litre. When eye looked at said box it had an eggstra lable with nvr240 onnit. That's wot it be. Eye is appi wiv dat. Looks the same as the nvr200 eye already as.
Get wanna them "trigger brooms tm" they lasts ages.
Let me know if you needs a tea monkey, am feddup doing what i do :D
Happy you is happy.
Am feelin a Bobby McFerrin coming on..
Peace to the tratterers, a nippo :)

I like the time off more than the job:oops: four shifts of 5 on 3 off, one of 5 on 4 off and three shifts of 4 on 4 off:D Very weird having four nights off that aren't holiday:oops:

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