Eyeiser wake. Eye found out eye haser cherry tree ont me garden tall ready. Problem tis it be pawly. Some twonk chopped it historically un it be rotted where wata was er loud ter collect int cuts. Eye be sad at this. It as kept growing best it can and seems ok for now. About 17 foot tall it be.
Ahoy hoy @Oldseadog !
Where is evvybody?
Gid moaning me fiendses ... anna nippo
Eyeziz bak fur avery shirt thyme coz mine highs stihl inbt rite, an mon dropsies furum.
Eye opes evriwunz henjoyint wevver cozitl sune bee Crimblie agen wiv orlt snew hand cald, hand uvver wetstuf.
Jest fur summat turdu, eyez gunner greese me borls ont frunter me Fenderer.
Swavva guddun wor heiffer yerziz adoinof turti.
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Eye as bin stood int garden this mornin with me arm oot straight with meal wurms int said hand. I be there some time un me bobbin kept coming back. Landed everywhere but ont me. He knows eye now put meal wurms by two bricks so they dun't blows erway int wind. He even unknowingly landed ont me boxer meal wurms but din't know it were fuller meal wurms. He worra 4 foot erway fromt me stud ont clothes lyne metal post so were eye up enough ter see me and. He were ont floor by me un by me bricks un kept stretching up ter look ut me anorl. Eye will try ergen soon.
@Hippo. I has a problem wif starlins. I dunt dislike em, but they go roun in a rood, loud gang an all the poor spuggies dunt get a look in. Will try your wire cage method.

Edit. Also the spaceship feeder was rubbish.
Ickle birds wouldn't go in, an it unscrewed itself and fell an broked. Binned.
@Hippo. I has a problem wif starlins. I dunt dislike em, but they go roun in a rood, loud gang an all the poor spuggies dunt get a look in. Will try your wire cage method.

Edit. Also the spaceship feeder was rubbish.
Ickle birds wouldn't go in, an it unscrewed itself and fell an broked. Binned.
Am gonner borrow meself a supermarket basket un cut the wire ole's biggerer ter put over me burd feeder eye int bortted yet.

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