Move west my friend, move west! We haven't seen rain for a long time now and I am wilting in the heat. Mustn't complain or the rain might hear me and come back in torrents!:)
Us boys did moov yer twenny yurs agoo an niver regret a minute. Tis mainly wet but tis a grand spot an us ev nodda lodda traffic jams neither. Ev plenty strawberry jams simly, an them jams goes on top.
No... never too old. Just the typing & replies get slower.

You ok?

Yeah, it's my 'other' job ... this week I should be mostly travelling down the side of a vessel on a pilot ladder and jumping off onto a launch even with a safety line and life jacket ...

It's getting a bit much even if the weather is nice and the water as warm as a bath ...
The cutlass clamped in the teeth isn't a good look ...

Dread pirate Dippypud has a ring to it though don't you think?

Or you could be sat in an office, giving the same old answers to the same stupid questions asked by the same lazy people as you did last week..
An the week before
An the week before that too
Couple of years an the mortgage will be done.Then we'll see. ;)

However. this time next week I shall be looking forward to a week off, mucking about to my hearts content :)

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