Mornin' all. I've beaten you all to it this morning! Can't tell you what the weather's going to be like as the dawn is only just breaking BUT it's NOT rainin'.
Dog got me up as it was caught short for some reason.:(
I watched the sun go down last night and I've seen it come up again this morning ;) now I is off to bed cos I've been up since yesterday lunchtime and I'm knackered :oops:
Gid moanin fellerer tratterers annanippo
Tizza satteturddi turdi annitz a bonk illidi anorl
Eye yaz sleeptin swtiza wunderfulled stert tert dai.
Avva guddun, hand dough nit ovva doit wit alckistuff.
Taraa fue nah

I’m guessing... it’s Saturday and you’ve rattled Anita, as well.
Yaz, Dai and you are all going to Switzerland?
Eva Gooding is making bread, a variety you like?
See you later?

Un the one who sunk his disco int river crossing. Eye fergotted yer login name but eye opes yer ok. Eye fink a sudden job and ouse move was happening.

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