Lack of door seals and panels that don't fit proper were design features?

They were designed that way. Very forwards thinking really. Like the slight ridges in the floors on tratters.
It's to let the juices run out freely when the tratter owners have finished with the sheep.
Naturally! Of course they were! ;);););)
Many years later they realised door seals are a good thing and fitted them. Further improvements were made when the Freelander was born. Many of these improvements are slowly finding their way into tratters. :)
The original Series 1 Freelander is remarkably similar to the original Series 1 tratter. Both were a bold step forward for the company, entering a new market for the first time, when first produced. Both designs were a head of their time engineering wise and have become an iconic benchmark which others have tried to follow. The original Series 1 tratter went through many updates over the years, including coil spring suspension, electric indicators and synchromesh on all gears. The original Series 1 Freelander evolved over time too with the addition of an optional auto gearbox, ABS TC HDC and EBD on all models and an additional 6th gear. Both the Series 1 Freelander and tratter have an iconic design which is recognisable throughout the world, which continued as they updated both designs to the Series 2 Freelander and tratter.


Freelader got 6 gears?? Never knew that.

I have a series 1 freelander. Me like the sound of that. Me door rattles when I shut it too just like a proper series. I might go over to the series section now :)
Many years later they realised door seals are a good thing and fitted them. Further improvements were made when the Freelander was born. Many of these improvements are slowly finding their way into tratters. :)
It's not a lot of use having door seals when your doors fall off at the first sign of damp, which is why Tratters have an inbuilt drainage system to let the water back out again :p:p:p
Freelader got 6 gears?? Never knew that.

I have a series 1 freelander. Me like the sound of that. Me door rattles when I shut it too just like a proper series. I might go over to the series section now :)
6 gears available on the Freelander 2. Freelander 1 has 5.
It's not a lot of use having door seals when your doors fall off at the first sign of damp, which is why Tratters have an inbuilt drainage system to let the water back out again :p:p:p
I filmed ma hippo and his standard door hinges going through a car wash. Ma doors din't fall oft. Don't see any proof of a tratterer going through a car wash. Scared? :boink: :pound:
Did you stick yer doors on with Gaffer Tape?

With mine, the brushes didn't like the height or something, and got stuck underneath!

Cost them a small fortune in repairs ;)

I was advised not to return :(:(

Plus I now have my non-removaable twigs to worry about, as I wouldn't like them damaged!
Glue gunned on then?
We don't stick our doors on with anything. It's a myth Freelander doors fall oft when wet by the tratterers so they can devalue our Freelanders so they can buy them cheap when tratter production stops. Tis a myth I tells ya.
Many years ago a Freelander owner on ere washed his Freelander. He left the rear passenger door open after washing round the door frame. He forgot he left the door open and reversed oft his drive and knocked the door on a bollard. It was then mistakenly said the doors fall oft when wet.

there was also a recent issue when someone opened their Freelander door and another vehicle drove past and knocked if oft.

Neither of these events caused door truble due to water. The trouble was caused by knocking them with something other than water, like a bollard or another car. :p
Many years ago a Freelander owner on ere washed his Freelander. He left the rear passenger door open after washing round the door frame. He forgot he left the door open and reversed oft his drive and knocked the door on a bollard. It was then mistakenly said the doors fall oft when wet.

there was also a recent issue when someone opened their Freelander door and another vehicle drove past and knocked if oft.

Neither of these events caused door truble due to water. The trouble was caused by knocking them with something other than water, like a bollard or another car. :p

The simple fact remains.....he got it wet an the door feld orf :D

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