Mornin' folks. Although still dark I can say it is quite cool oot there but this hasn't deterred the wee one from 'is alf recu kip. No such behaviour from the big 'un though. I am in me pit wi' me cuppa listening to the firing on the distant ranges.
Sun be tup. Fost be ere. Am readin erbout bobbin 'and feedin. Eye be lucky in me bobbin stayed ere this winta. It seems er small number emmygrate but he be proberbly be worrid erbour custum cheks as we as left you rope but still be innit.
More bobbin trainin this mronin. Eye could ear im but not see im so eye went darn the gardun un spotted im int tree above ont me way back. Ah held up me tub of wurms. He wur lookering ut me but did nowt. He wurra bout 3 foot above me int fine braches wiv no leaves ont. He then flowd ter me burd ouse un i went tup ter wear i feed im wurms. Int end eye wur sat ont flor wiv me arm oot oldin me tub near where eye put me wurms. Flor be cold anorl. After er bit he wur back un looked concerned erbout a nuvva burd the same size as im sat ont same fence. It flowd oft. After er bit me obbin flowd darn ter stand ont me bricks. Lookerin ut me ferra bit. Looked erbout un flowd oft. Am shore he cud sea me tub un knew wot were innit but were confused or scared. But 3 fut erway be an improvemint. We shal continue again soon. Eye ops the flor be warmer.
More bobbin trainin this mronin. Eye could ear im but not see im so eye went darn the gardun un spotted im int tree above ont me way back. Ah held up me tub of wurms. He wur lookering ut me but did nowt. He wurra bout 3 foot above me int fine braches wiv no leaves ont. He then flowd ter me burd ouse un i went tup ter wear i feed im wurms. Int end eye wur sat ont flor wiv me arm oot oldin me tub near where eye put me wurms. Flor be cold anorl. After er bit he wur back un looked concerned erbout a nuvva burd the same size as im sat ont same fence. It flowd oft. After er bit me obbin flowd darn ter stand ont me bricks. Lookerin ut me ferra bit. Looked erbout un flowd oft. Am shore he cud sea me tub un knew wot were innit but were confused or scared. But 3 fut erway be an improvemint. We shal continue again soon. Eye ops the flor be warmer.

Probably the new wife and we all know she must be obeyed! :rolleyes::):)
It does make you wonder how ickle birds don't freeze on the branch. Their volume to surface area ratio must be massive.
I seen a fing on telly lately where ickle birds line up on a twig an all huddle together. Nobody wants to be on the ends..
I finks bobbins is highly territorial, so not an option for them?
It does make you wonder how ickle birds don't freeze on the branch. Their volume to surface area ratio must be massive.
I seen a fing on telly lately where ickle birds line up on a twig an all huddle together. Nobody wants to be on the ends..
I finks bobbins is highly territorial, so not an option for them?
Because feathers are excellent at insulation.
Birds also have the ability to limit blood flow to the legs, which aren't covered in feathers.
Small birds, which are less thermally efficient than large ones, tend to huddle together for warmth in very cold weather.
Eye have been finkin again about makin an eated burd baff. Yer put a tub under a bowl with wata int. The tub asser lite bulb innit. Low energy wivva fermostat. Wata proof it all and seal the bottom. Eat oft lite stops wata from freezin. Av bin finkin erbout doing simlar wiv a burd ouse fer me bobbin ter take the chill oft fings. Not warm. Just anti chill un freezin.
Did a job on a ford C-Max, new injectors fuel filters and the lark..
bastard wouldn't fire, so my boss gave it a shot of brake cleaner!
***** thing ran away right past redline, blew all kinds out the exhaust, sucked the derv through though!! ;)
It did cut out after 10 seconds of redline motoring!! :confused:

I had to peel my boss off the roof, ;)

We both shat ourselves,
all the techs dove behind their toolboxes LOL


I tell you what though, it sounds lovely after that escapade :D

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