Eye put poo cam int winda this morning then went oot int garden ter put down mean wurms un wunder erbout to see how well it can see me. It ignored me. Ah finks it can't see through double glassing. Possibly the reflection annoying it. Norty poo cam.
Taken the photos but can't find the adapter to get them off the card in the camera and onto the laptop.:(
You'll 'ave to wait till tomorrer fe the pics. Why is it that you can never find what you are looking for when you want it???????? :(:(:(
Here they are. Started snowing at about 8pm and these pics were taken at 10.30 when I took the dogs out. I had to take them with the light from a torch as it is pitch black round 'ere - no street lighting!
IMG_0647.JPG IMG_0648.JPG IMG_0646.JPG
Poo cam as bin filming me ut wurk terday. A ten second clip is 10 meg so it's emailable. It's currently taking photo's every time eye move. It's an 8 meg camera. The bullsh*t about 24 was ter be eggspected. It's interperlated which means they space oot all the dots which make up the photo and fill the gaps with same colour dots. So eye is going ter use it ont 8meg if eye be takin photo's wivvit. They like ter call it optomised image quality but it be bullsh*t. www.gardenature.co.uk and bushnell shame ont you yer bastids. Eye knew that wood be the case when lookerin ut the spec. Eye av bint tested it int total dark un it could see me. Slight delay when the night LED's come ont. But will wurk int total darkness which be good. Even though it's wata proof eye int puttin it oot side yet. It will go int winda fer now. Eye will maker it a box ooter wud at some point. Eye knows it will reflecter bit ont winda but eye will see how it goes.
I've got the Bear Box if it's any use to you. You would have to check on the web site to make sure it fits your model.
(Not a) good evening from sandwich.

refused load so have to wait for new address which won’t be open till the morning.& that has just wasted me 4hrs of tommorows work time.It’s nearly Friday & want to get home for chips
Why did they refuse (if you are allowed to say!)
Ah bin stud tup tall day an me feet urt. Eye be safe ut ome int me chair. Creatin er choppin list. It be stopped raynin. Ah fergetted ter get me printin oot the wurks printer. Ah sent meself un email reminder.

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