You just need to double that now and you will nearly have the same amount as the Brexit thread :) and brexit will have an end....maybe.
Ah dun't fink the bt*xit argument will ever end. Int 100 years time some kid will let go of a balloooon int wind and br*xit will be blamed. Thats if we is aloud ter buy balloooons under our current trade deal ut the time.
Ah dun't fink the bt*xit argument will ever end. Int 100 years time some kid will let go of a balloooon int wind and br*xit will be blamed. Thats if we is aloud ter buy balloooons under our current trade deal ut the time.

Well if you discount all Suburbans titty posts and posts from people with fake profiles the Brexit post count probably wouldn't be half as high. :)

Anyway, it will depend on whether they are balloons made in China but imported from Europe or balloons made in China imported from the USA, only difference is the US imported balloons are washed with chlorine and might fly a bit higher ;-)
Ah bin choppin ergen. Pc wurld fer two memory cards fer poo cam. Eye has also hadda play with poo cam int garden. It's vision at 12 foot erway is 3 foot above un below horizontal when it's standing straight tup. So eye need ter be careful where it points. Eye has gottid two memory cards so eye can swop one oot with t'other while eye check it's contents.
Poo cam as bin filming me ut wurk terday. A ten second clip is 10 meg so it's emailable. It's currently taking photo's every time eye move. It's an 8 meg camera. The bullsh*t about 24 was ter be eggspected. It's interperlated which means they space oot all the dots which make up the photo and fill the gaps with same colour dots. So eye is going ter use it ont 8meg if eye be takin photo's wivvit. They like ter call it optomised image quality but it be bullsh*t. and bushnell shame ont you yer bastids. Eye knew that wood be the case when lookerin ut the spec. Eye av bint tested it int total dark un it could see me. Slight delay when the night LED's come ont. But will wurk int total darkness which be good. Even though it's wata proof eye int puttin it oot side yet. It will go int winda fer now. Eye will maker it a box ooter wud at some point. Eye knows it will reflecter bit ont winda but eye will see how it goes.
Ah founder dark room ut wurk un covered the winda un turned the lights oft. Ah weren't scared. Eye serrup poo cam un wondered erbout int dark. Poo cam could sea me. Only int black un white un grey. Video be much brighta un cleara than pic-chairs. So it be gud news.

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