The real test is what the markets think. If shares int telecoms stay steady then nobody thinks it will happen. Bt man on r4 says the cost to lay fibre is twice what mcdonald quotes. There will be a loss of revenue to open reach of £5b per year and they have commitments of £60b to their pensions. Tis not gonner appen. Yer got more chance of the Freelander 2 going back int production.
I cant get used to these varifocal glasses, I'm moving my head around like a Bollywood dancer buy I still cant get anything in focus
Went to the optician last month. He recommended varifocals for me. Lenses are £607, plus frames which start at £200. Or reading glasses at £348 plus frames. After I lifted my chin off the counter I said just gimme the prescription and have a nice day (or words to that effect). I'm not paying that much for specs which mostly get dropped on the garage floor and last about a year before they are too scratched and knackered to be of any use. SO I got two pairs of reading goggles from a well known on line provider for under £50. (got some a few years back, very happy with them). Now waiting for them to deliver a pair of varifocals and a pair of computer reading goggles - £147 total.
Went to the optician last month. He recommended varifocals for me. Lenses are £607, plus frames which start at £200. Or reading glasses at £348 plus frames. After I lifted my chin off the counter I said just gimme the prescription and have a nice day (or words to that effect). I'm not paying that much for specs which mostly get dropped on the garage floor and last about a year before they are too scratched and knackered to be of any use. SO I got two pairs of reading goggles from a well known on line provider for under £50. (got some a few years back, very happy with them). Now waiting for them to deliver a pair of varifocals and a pair of computer reading goggles - £147 total.

That all sounds a bit steep!! Optician must have been having a laugh. I got mine from a well known high street opticians and taking advantage of every deal and saving they had on offer i got mine plus readers for about 250. I thought that was expensive but this is all new to me, I had 20/20 vision up until last year.
Just back from Wickes with some plywood to box in some heating pipes. Backing timbers have been sat there for 3 years waiting to be fixed on the walls (fitted them yesterday but one has gone missing never to be seen again, must have used it for something else). SWMBO wants some shelves up so decided to finish the boxing in while the furniture is out of the way, this leads on to needing a paint job on the walls and some carpet trimming and a bit of coving and god knows wot else. Supposed to be retyred ------- :rolleyes:
Eye stood new poo cam ont patio door andles ootside and left him int fim mode. Pichur be gud un it capchurd me but the sensa is ere bit low lookerin oot me finks. When walking derectly terwards it from 70 fut erway it started filming ut about 30 fut erway. There is a slight delay int recordin startin but when it picked me tup me feet were closed ter going oot of site under the pichur. So me is gonner ava nuvva go ternight ter see if it pic's me tup betterer if eye walks across the sensor rather than terwards it. If not then it will be no gud.

Fox as bin int gardun tover nite. Compost bin pushed darn where eye fink it jumps tover fence ter gerrout. Bricks moved arf inch. Original poo cam and me flud lite musta bin sheepin as they missed it.
I cant get used to these varifocal glasses, I'm moving my head around like a Bollywood dancer buy I still cant get anything in focus
They do take quite a bit of getting used to, but, if they are not getting into focus any better after two or three weeks then go back and ask the optician to re-check the centres 'cos if they aren't correct then they will always give you the effect of being cross-eyed! Once you get used to them, and moving your head instead of your eyes, then they are fantastic. I have been wearing these for 50+ years now and my optician knows I will be very fussy about getting the centres correct!!
Eye stood new poo cam ont patio door andles ootside and left him int fim mode. Pichur be gud un it capchurd me but the sensa is ere bit low lookerin oot me finks. When walking derectly terwards it from 70 fut erway it started filming ut about 30 fut erway. There is a slight delay int recordin startin but when it picked me tup me feet were closed ter going oot of site under the pichur. So me is gonner ava nuvva go ternight ter see if it pic's me tup betterer if eye walks across the sensor rather than terwards it. If not then it will be no gud.

Fox as bin int gardun tover nite. Compost bin pushed darn where eye fink it jumps tover fence ter gerrout. Bricks moved arf inch. Original poo cam and me flud lite musta bin sheepin as they missed it.
You need to site the camera at about head height or just above, and tilt it slightly downwards. Mine does better if the subject is not too close to the camera .

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