Morning all! A sunny day here :D
The week's shopping to get this morning and then maybe some more work on my trike.
Ere @Turktowner
Found us a burd feeder which won't get knocked about by bigger burds that can't gerrin. Wata proof ish, if yer put a drain ole int and make the roof stick oot er bit more. Wind proof so me wurms wun't blow'd everywhere. Yer cud mount it so it's fixed solid ter somefink. Yer can make yer own anorl. Just need ter make sure the ole is only suitable fer ikle burds ter gerrin. :)

Ere @Turktowner
Found us a burd feeder which won't get knocked about by bigger burds that can't gerrin. Wata proof ish, if yer put a drain ole int and make the roof stick oot er bit more. Wind proof so me wurms wun't blow'd everywhere. Yer cud mount it so it's fixed solid ter somefink. Yer can make yer own anorl. Just need ter make sure the ole is only suitable fer ikle burds ter gerrin. :)

My experience of this type of feeder is that the birds waste an awful lot as each one seem to put the head in and scatter enthusiastically in order to find the seed that they like best! It works better if you put only ONE type of seed in ,eg. just sunflower seeds, as they then just land, grab a seed and dash away to eat it before returning for more.
For interest, it is possible to buy small see-through feeders which stick onto a house window so that you get a very close inside view of the head of the bird grabbing its seed.:)
Fanks @Hippo, looks good.
Am fed up wif greedy bully starlings :(
The more eye finks erbout it the betterer it is. Eye put a hand full of meal wurms oot each day. At the moment the magpies is after them. Me bobbin got there first this morning. It kept going up ter the fence then back down under it's bush. Eye seen it go fer wurms once. Sounded like it were eatid crisps after. First time eye as hurd it eat like that. Eye kept seeing a little fing wizin erbour anorl. Eye be fink'd it's gorra baby bobbin. Or a new fiend. It seemed to be corrective in it's actions. So eye fink's it's a baby bobbin.
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My experience of this type of feeder is that the birds waste an awful lot as each one seem to put the head in and scatter enthusiastically in order to find the seed that they like best! It works better if you put only ONE type of seed in ,eg. just sunflower seeds, as they then just land, grab a seed and dash away to eat it before returning for more.
For interest, it is possible to buy small see-through feeders which stick onto a house window so that you get a very close inside view of the head of the bird grabbing its seed.:)
Some interesting things to consider there. At the moment I feed on the floor with two bricks sheltering me wurms so they dun't get blow'd away. I have looked at all sorts of feeders but most of them allow the content to fall oot if knocked. There is also the issue of limiting access to the biggerer burds who seem to attack/shake burd feeders. This one will do that and eye can setup somefink else where up for the biggerer burds anorl. Hence both big and small get somefink to eat. Eye get pig-wings eating me wurns anorl sometimes.

Eye would like to fit a camera in a burd feeder like this at some point. Same design with a separate secure compartment with a camera in it. Eye was wondering... does yer fink if eye limit the size of the feeding hole to be the same as that recommended for a bobbin burd nest box, and the feed level was kept low, would the bobbins go inside to feed? I would give it a clean regular but it would also allow me to have enough meal worms put out to keep them going for as long as they need to eat. Watching poo cam at the moment, the magpies have had it all away within the hour some days. That leaves nothing for the smaller burds when they get access when the biggerer burds have gone.
I chucks my mealywurms on the garage roof, so they is, all spread out and everyone gets a look in
Last Sunday, at the same time, I had:
A crow
A magpie
An a bobbin :)
Some interesting things to consider there. At the moment I feed on the floor with two bricks sheltering me wurms so they dun't get blow'd away. I have looked at all sorts of feeders but most of them allow the content to fall oot if knocked. There is also the issue of limiting access to the biggerer burds who seem to attack/shake burd feeders. This one will do that and eye can setup somefink else where up for the biggerer burds anorl. Hence both big and small get somefink to eat. Eye get pig-wings eating me wurns anorl sometimes.

Eye would like to fit a camera in a burd feeder like this at some point. Same design with a separate secure compartment with a camera in it. Eye was wondering... does yer fink if eye limit the size of the feeding hole to be the same as that recommended for a bobbin burd nest box, and the feed level was kept low, would the bobbins go inside to feed? I would give it a clean regular but it would also allow me to have enough meal worms put out to keep them going for as long as they need to eat. Watching poo cam at the moment, the magpies have had it all away within the hour some days. That leaves nothing for the smaller burds when they get access when the biggerer burds have gone.
I doubt that robins will go in - they are very, very wary of enclosed spaces.
I chucks my mealywurms on the garage roof, so they is, all spread out and everyone gets a look in
Last Sunday, at the same time, I had:
A crow
A magpie
An a bobbin :)

I chuck chunks of steak up onto my shed roof for the red kites to come and grab, But only in times of snow when it is difficult for them to find fresh meat., otherwise I would need to take out a mortgage to be able to feed them!!!! It is a wonderful sight to see them come and grab, all in one movement, and the are really are enormous birds close up.
In times of hardship it only takes the about a minute to appear on the scene!
Enuff bird chatter... when are we getting poohcam update? :)
Poo cam is ont test ut wurk at the moment. Eye will probably put it oot ternite. Burrit may be a number of days before we gets anyfink. The fox int been back ferrabit due to the fire wurks me finks. At the weekend there was somefink that looked like a baby crocodile or lizurd. As I walked across me slabs it shot out from't side of garden and ran down the grass. It were so fast am not sure what it was. Eye keep finking of the gekko pic someone posted on the photography fred on the winda. This be new poo cam:

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