Ah nearly forgot, was witness to a Neffel two reversing into the brightest yellow stationary Soozooki fing last Satdi. No damage to the Landy, cracked headlight on the poor ickle fenceless dinky zook fing.
FL owner offered to pay direct for the damidge (good form said I) but I left my nummer wif the canary jus in case.. Got a call from the insurers tday :oops:
Bad form! Foul! And, yes I'll say it damn you.. FIbber!!!
(Makes me sad :oops:)
Thar beer prisoner ont telly who refused ter move wings. Wiped poop over himself as er protest. Guards has ter go away ter kit up then return ter move him. He walked with wite suited peeps and ryot shields.
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They're turning off the street lamps round ere in the small hours.
Peeps gettin pumpkins an fireworks chucked at em from passing vehicles.. WTF? :oops:
Pritty normal day then.

Eye be puttin more security lites tup asser robber deterrent. Eye be buying separate sensors which is betterer than the sh*te ones fitted ter me led lites. Ah like me lites un the culler of em. Ah fink yer should put yer own lites tup if the street lites be switched oft. Yer never know wot may be lurkin un sh*ttin int yer gardin.
Or nickin me barely sugars outta me tratter :oops:
An I know who's been in my garding, an ifn I catch the lil fuzzy ginger git I'll plink im!

Yeah.. You know who I mean.. Kid from number 17.. I'll tell yer mam! :D
Or nickin me barely sugars outta me tratter :oops:
An I know who's been in my garding, an ifn I catch the lil fuzzy ginger git I'll plink im!

Yeah.. You know who I mean.. Kid from number 17.. I'll tell yer mam! :D
Get yerself a @Mackers alarm like toad. Ah mean a toad alarm like @Mackers. It be worth it. Cheaper alarms about but his is quite good and saved his tratter from evaporating suddenly, rather than slowly over many years.
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Morning all.
My cough has now changed in to a head cold, not the flu this time thankfully.
Dosing up on vitamin C to get rid of it quicker.
Eye bort meself ur nuvva led ootside lite. 8 watts er brightness to test me new pir sensor. Me lite only eats 0.025amps at 230vac er power when illuminated. :)

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