So pull in & change of plan & location.
Now off for chips in a bus stop?

Could not get you any wood....
Went to the big boys town today (don’t worry M was with me:))
Did so boring business at solicitor then did some shopping, noticed those non meat “burger” thingys. Anyway picked up a box, let’s see what all the talk is about.
Not that we really eat burgers, but now and again can be tempted, usually in BBQ season but then usually homemade.
But thought I would like to at least try, so if anybody asked in future I could give an honest opinion.
Anybody else tried? Like/dislike?

I which those bloody Jays would shut up arguing they are spoiling the peace and quiet of the country:D.

still sunny doors open:).

It be good news. Omebase has gorra sale ont ALL lights. They sent me an email so eye clicks onnit un it takes me ter there web sh*te. Eye looks darn the list un can't find the lights eye want. It seems ALL dun't mean ALL. So ah can't get me 20% discount oft the ones eye wants. Bastids.

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