Morning all
Up early today even though I'm off work.
Off to the quacks shortly to see what they managed to find in the bloods they took out of me last week.
Poo cam keeps being triggered ut nite but me light int coming ont so it can't sea nowt. Ah fink the sensor has dropped er bit so eye as pushed it tuper bit.
Eye have won a £500 gift vulture inner competition ah din't enter. News of me win were delivered by text message, not txt message, un made me appy. Eye knews it wurra fake phishing fing but as still given me appyness of winning. Ah reported it to argos as it be their vulture eye won.
Can pips please look after their Motors an stop breaking down near J9 onna M27!?
Four outta the last six days I've travelled an average of fifteen miles an hour on a fifteen mile run you dozey beggars!
FFS :oops:
Someone as set oft a fire wurk witch eggsploded near our ouse. The smell of chemicals came int ouse. Phosferus type. He be norra sainsburys shopper. They should be banned. And fire wurks anorl.

We only add fire wurks once whens we were little. Me dad were tup set as we kept hiding int ouse. Worra daft idea ter buy littul kids fire wurks. Batteries fer me garage lift would ave been betterer.
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